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These reference sequences exist independently of genome builds. Explain
These reference sequences are curated independently of the genome
annotation cycle, so their versions may not match the RefSeq versions in the current
genome build. Identify version mismatches by comparing the version of the RefSeq in
this section to the one reported in Genomic regions,
transcripts, and products above.
NG_009840.3 RefSeqGene
- Range
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- GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)
mRNA and Protein(s)
NM_001375654.1 → NP_001362583.1 oxygen-regulated protein 1 isoform 2
- Source sequence(s)
AC090137, AC090151, AC091076, AF128525
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Conserved Domains (5) summary
- cd01756
Location:392 → 510
- PLAT_repeat; PLAT/LH2 domain repeats of family of proteins with unknown function. In general, PLAT/LH2 consists of an eight stranded beta-barrel and it's proposed function is to mediate interaction with lipids or membrane bound proteins.
- cd17145
Location:36 → 114
- DCX1_RP1; Doublecortin-like domain 1 found in retinitis pigmentosa 1 (RP1)-like protein
- cd17147
Location:154 → 229
- DCX2_RP1; Dublecortin-like domain 2 found in retinitis pigmentosa 1 (RP1)-like protein
- cl00011
Location:265 → 381
- PLAT; PLAT (Polycystin-1, Lipoxygenase, Alpha-Toxin) domain or LH2 (Lipoxygenase homology 2) domain. It consists of an eight stranded beta-barrel. The domain can be found in various domain architectures, in case of lipoxygenases, alpha toxin, lipases and ...
- cl00060
Location:544 → 578
- FGF; Acidic and basic fibroblast growth factor family; FGFs are mitogens, which stimulate growth or differentiation of cells of mesodermal or neuroectodermal origin. The family plays essential roles in patterning and differentiation during vertebrate ...
NM_006269.2 → NP_006260.1 oxygen-regulated protein 1 isoform 1
- Source sequence(s)
- Consensus CDS
- UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot
- Related
- ENSP00000220676.1, ENST00000220676.2
- Conserved Domains (2) summary
- cd17145
Location:36 → 114
- DCX1_RP1; Doublecortin-like domain 1 found in retinitis pigmentosa 1 (RP1)-like protein
- cd17147
Location:154 → 229
- DCX2_RP1; Dublecortin-like domain 2 found in retinitis pigmentosa 1 (RP1)-like protein
The following sections contain reference sequences that belong to a
specific genome build. Explain
This section includes genomic Reference
Sequences (RefSeqs) from all assemblies on which this gene is annotated, such as
RefSeqs for chromosomes and scaffolds (contigs) from both reference and alternate
assemblies. Model RNAs and proteins are also reported here.
Reference GRCh38.p14 Primary Assembly
NC_000008.11 Reference GRCh38.p14 Primary Assembly
- Range
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- GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)
mRNA and Protein(s)
XM_047422069.1 → XP_047278025.1 oxygen-regulated protein 1 isoform X1
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Related
- ENSP00000490104.1, ENST00000637698.1
XM_047422070.1 → XP_047278026.1 oxygen-regulated protein 1 isoform X2
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
XM_047422071.1 → XP_047278027.1 oxygen-regulated protein 1 isoform X3
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
XM_047422072.1 → XP_047278028.1 oxygen-regulated protein 1 isoform X4
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
XM_047422073.1 → XP_047278029.1 oxygen-regulated protein 1 isoform X5
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
- Related
- ENSP00000489857.1, ENST00000636932.1
XM_047422074.1 → XP_047278030.1 oxygen-regulated protein 1 isoform X6
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
XM_017014158.2 → XP_016869647.1 oxygen-regulated protein 1 isoform X7
- Conserved Domains (2) summary
- cd01756
Location:707 → 829
- PLAT_repeat; PLAT/LH2 domain repeats of family of proteins with unknown function. In general, PLAT/LH2 consists of an eight stranded beta-barrel and it's proposed function is to mediate interaction with lipids or membrane bound proteins.
- cl00011
Location:581 → 695
- PLAT; PLAT (Polycystin-1, Lipoxygenase, Alpha-Toxin) domain or LH2 (Lipoxygenase homology 2) domain. It consists of an eight stranded beta-barrel. The domain can be found in various domain architectures, in case of lipoxygenases, alpha toxin, lipases and ...
Alternate T2T-CHM13v2.0
NC_060932.1 Alternate T2T-CHM13v2.0
- Range
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- GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)
mRNA and Protein(s)
XM_054360957.1 → XP_054216932.1 oxygen-regulated protein 1 isoform X4
- UniProtKB/TrEMBL
XM_054360958.1 → XP_054216933.1 oxygen-regulated protein 1 isoform X7