ProfileGDS2263 / 3678
TitleKidney isografts from brain dead donors
OrganismRattus norvegicus

before transplantation after transplantation living brain dead living brain dead GSM115034 GSM115043 GSM115044 GSM115033 GSM115039 GSM115040 GSM115036 GSM115041 GSM115042 GSM115035 GSM115037 GSM115038 62% 11% 35% 23% 38% 22% 33% 18% 39% 44% 34% 33% sort by protocol sort by disease state Gene Expression Profile
Graph caption help
GSM115034Normal kidney sample NK10.023262
GSM115043Normal kidney sample NK2-0.088711
GSM115044Normal kidney sample NK3-0.025235
GSM115033Kidney sample from brain dead donor (6hrs after induction of brain death) BD1-0.065523
GSM115039Kidney sample from brain dead donor(6hrs after induction of brain death) BD2-0.021138
GSM115040Kidney sample from brain dead donor(6hrs after induction of brain death) BD3-0.055522
GSM1150361 hr transplanted kidney sample from normal donor C22-0.03133
GSM1150411 hr transplanted kidney sample from normal donor C24-0.074918
GSM1150421 hr transplanted kidney sample from normal donor C25-0.020839
GSM1150351 hr transplanted kidney sample from brain dead donor B21-0.010544
GSM1150371 hr transplanted kidney sample from brain dead donor B23-0.033834
GSM1150381 hr transplanted kidney sample from brain dead donor B27-0.037233