ProfileGDS2839 / 23773
TitlePhenylethyl isothiocyanate and N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine cotreatment effect on the esophagus
OrganismRattus norvegicus

control NMBA PEITC NMBA and PEITC GSM159376 GSM159377 GSM159378 GSM159381 GSM159383 GSM159384 GSM159385 GSM159386 GSM159387 GSM159388 GSM159389 GSM159390 39% 35% 41% 40% 44% 49% 52% 52% 43% 58% 51% 56% sort by agent Gene Expression Profile
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GSM159376Group 1 Control Untreated, pool #EP1 vs. reference pool-0.027739
GSM159377Group 1 Control Untreated, pool #EP2 vs. reference pool-0.054935
GSM159378Group 1 Control Untreated pool # EP3 vs. reference pool-0.023841
GSM159381Group 3 NMBA treated, pool # EP6 vs. reference pool-0.029140
GSM159383Group 3 NMBA treated, pool #EP4 vs. reference pool-0.011544
GSM159384Group 3 NMBA treated, pool #EP5 vs. reference pool049
GSM159385Group 2 PEITC treated, pool #EP13 vs. reference pool0.0089852
GSM159386Group 2 PEITC treated, pool #EP 14 vs. reference pool0.0040352
GSM159387Group 2 PEITC treated, EP#15 vs. reference pool-0.0097943
GSM159388Group 4 PEITC + NMBA treated, pool # EP 16 vs. reference pool0.016858
GSM159389Group 4 PEITC + NMBA treated, pool # EP 17 vs. reference pool0.0061251
GSM159390Group 4 PEITC + NMBA treated, pool # EP 18 vs. reference pool0.019756