ProfileGDS657 / U19485_g_at
TitleLigament healing and effect of hindlimb unloading
OrganismRattus norvegicus

loaded unloaded uninjured injured uninjured injured GSM18238 GSM18239 GSM18240 GSM18241 GSM18242 GSM18243 GSM18244 GSM18245 79% 38% 67% 52% 66% 29% 64% 32% sort by protocol sort by stress Gene Expression Profile
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GSM18238loaded control 173679
GSM18239loaded control 2181.338
GSM18240loaded healing 1447.467
GSM18241loaded healing 2306.152
GSM18242unloaded control 1514.866
GSM18243unloaded control 2140.629
GSM18244unloaded healing 141164
GSM18245unloaded healing 2141.532