Other LinkOut Resources by SubjectType
The following LinkOut providers, listed by SubjectType, supply links to web-accessible resources other than full text, including datasets and databases, from NCBI databases.
A list of
Other LinkOut Resources by provider name is also
Some providers may require user registration or subscription fees, or have other stipulations for access to their resources. Policies vary by provider. Clicking on one of the links below will search a NCBI database for records with links to that resource.
As of November 28, 2024, there are 244 resources participating in LinkOut.
Chemical Information
biological properties (total: 2)
Information about chemicals with biological activity.
molecular interactions (total: 3)
Information about chemicals which interact or bind to other molecules (for example, protein-protein or small molecule-protein interactions)
vendors (total: 1)
Information from commercial distributors of chemicals.
clinical trials (total: 1)
Links from NCBI database records to resources providing information about relevant ongoing and upcoming clinical trials, including information on locating, applying to, or participating in clinical trials.
consumer health (total: 3)
Links from NCBI database records to relevant resources or materials intended to educate or inform the general public about particular health topics or issues.
diagnostics (total: 1)
Resources providing information on the signs, symptoms and diagnosis of diseases, syndromes, or conditions relevant to specific NCBI database records
disease organizations (total: 1)
Institutions, groups, or other organizations whose work is focused on the research of particular diseases or conditions, or that offer information, support, and/or other resources to people suffering from particular diseases or conditions.
Molecular Biology Databases
DNA/protein sequence (total: 5)
Databases providing nucleotide or amino acid sequence data.
gene expression (total: 4)
Databases providing data on gene expression (e.g., RNA transcription, knockouts).
gene/protein/disease-specific (total: 26)
Databases providing data specific to particular genes, proteins, diseases, syndromes, or conditions
locus-specific (total: 1)
Databases, often described as LSDB, focusing on a single gene or a small family of genes.
mapping (total: 1)
Databases providing chromosomal mapping data, such as sequence tagged site (STS) mapping.
meta-databases (total: 4)
Databases that draw and/or synthesize information from other databases and extend or add value to the original information.
organism-specific (total: 23)
Databases providing data specific to a particular organism or group of organisms.
population/variation (total: 2)
Databases providing data on sequence variation within particular populations, including mutations or other polymorphisms.
protein interactions/pathways (total: 5)
Databases that describe molecular interactions and/or biological pathways.
structure (total: 2)
Databases providing structural or pattern data, such three-dimensional protein structures, chemical structures, or two-dimensional electrophoresis patterns.
taxonomy/phylogenetic (total: 59)
Databases providing data on organism taxonomy, phylogenetic trees and relationships, or biodiversity.
Other Literature Sources
images (total: 6)
Links to online images from the NCBI database records that they are relevant to or referenced by.
institutional repository (total: 47)
Links to materials deposited to an online archive of an institution
patent databases (total: 1)
Links to patent database records from PubMed citations of publications discussing patented products (including proteins and DNA sequences) or processes, or from relevant NCBI database records
supplemental materials (total: 17)
Links to the materials directly supporting the research discussed in the cited article, including data sets from experiments/studies accessory graphics, images, sound, and multimedia files related to the article.
Research Materials
clones/clone libraries (total: 11)
Suppliers providing DNA clones and clone libraries (e.g., DNA, cDNA).
culture/stock collections (total: 7)
Suppliers providing cell cultures.
herbarium/museum collections (total: 14)
Curated plant/animal specimen collections.
other reagents (total: 6)
Suppliers providing other reagents not described by other SubjectTypes in this category.
companies/research institutes (total: 1)
Private companies or research institutions that have conducted or supported research cited in NCBI database records.
protein identification/characterization (total: 2)
Tools used in the identification, annotation, characterization, or other description of proteins.
sequence screening/similarity/alignment (total: 1)
Tools used in screening, comparing, matching, and alignment of sequences.
Miscellaneous (total: 5)