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vomeronasal 2 receptor, 18 [Rattus norvegicus]

NCBI Reference Sequence: NP_775440.1

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LOCUS       NP_775440                866 aa            linear   ROD 01-APR-2024
DEFINITION  vomeronasal 2 receptor, 18 [Rattus norvegicus].
ACCESSION   NP_775440 XP_344851
VERSION     NP_775440.1
DBSOURCE    REFSEQ: accession NM_173318.2
KEYWORDS    RefSeq; RefSeq Select.
SOURCE      Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)
  ORGANISM  Rattus norvegicus
            Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
            Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Glires; Rodentia; Myomorpha;
            Muroidea; Muridae; Murinae; Rattus.
REFERENCE   1  (residues 1 to 866)
  AUTHORS   Young,J.M. and Trask,B.J.
  TITLE     V2R gene families degenerated in primates, dog and cow, but
            expanded in opossum
  JOURNAL   Trends Genet 23 (5), 212-215 (2007)
   PUBMED   17382427
REFERENCE   2  (residues 1 to 866)
  AUTHORS   Herrada,G. and Dulac,C.
  TITLE     A novel family of putative pheromone receptors in mammals with a
            topographically organized and sexually dimorphic distribution
  JOURNAL   Cell 90 (4), 763-773 (1997)
   PUBMED   9288755
COMMENT     PROVISIONAL REFSEQ: This record has not yet been subject to final
            NCBI review. The reference sequence was derived from
            On Dec 17, 2003 this sequence version replaced XP_344851.1.
            RefSeq Select criteria :: based on single protein-coding transcript
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..866
                     /organism="Rattus norvegicus"
     Protein         1..866
                     /product="vomeronasal 2 receptor, 18"
                     /note="putative pheromone receptor (Go-VN4)"
     Region          50..513
                     /note="Ligand-binding domain of the V2R pheromone
                     receptor, a member of the family C receptors within the
                     G-protein coupled receptor superfamily; cd06365"
     Site            order(79,179..180,403)
                     /note="putative ligand binding site [chemical binding]"
     Site            order(117,120,163,253)
                     /note="putative dimer interface [polypeptide binding]"
     Region          521..574
                     /note="Nine Cysteines Domain of family 3 GPCR; pfam07562"
     Region          594..845
                     /note="vomeronasal type-2 pheromone receptors, member of
                     the class C family of seven-transmembrane G
                     protein-coupled receptors; cd15283"
     Region          594..619
                     /region_name="TM helix 1"
                     /note="TM helix 1 [structural motif]"
     Site            order(597,600..601,604..605,607..608,642,646,649..650,658,
                     /note="putative dimer interface [polypeptide binding]"
     Region          631..652
                     /region_name="TM helix 2"
                     /note="TM helix 2 [structural motif]"
     Site            order(651,663..664,667..668,671,751,756,759..760,763,797,
                     /note="putative allosteric modulator binding site
                     [chemical binding]"
     Region          661..685
                     /region_name="TM helix 3"
                     /note="TM helix 3 [structural motif]"
     Region          709..725
                     /region_name="TM helix 4"
                     /note="TM helix 4 [structural motif]"
     Region          752..778
                     /region_name="TM helix 5"
                     /note="TM helix 5 [structural motif]"
     Region          786..809
                     /region_name="TM helix 6"
                     /note="TM helix 6 [structural motif]"
     Region          814..839
                     /region_name="TM helix 7"
                     /note="TM helix 7 [structural motif]"
     CDS             1..866
        1 msrlragknm ltfillffll niplfvpsfi yprcfwsmkk neyqdrnlgt gcmffilavq
       61 qpmekeyfsh isniqtpten qkypltlafs mneinnnpdl lpnmslaftf seyscylesh
      121 hkrlfnfslk nheilpnfic tkdikcgvvl tglslvttvt lhiilnnfif qqfrqltygh
      181 fhpalcdhen fphlyqmasd dtslalalvs fiihfswnwi glaisdndqg ihflsylrre
      241 mekntvcfaf vniipvnmnl ymsraevyys qvmtssanvv iiygdtgntl avsfrmwdsl
      301 giqrlwvtts qwdvtpfkkd ftfdngygtf gfghrhseis gfkyfvqtln pfkysdeylv
      361 klewmyvnck ileynckslk ncsfnhslew lmthtfdmai iegsyeiyna vyafahalhe
      421 mtlqnvdnvl lpnyeeqnyn ckmvysflsk tqftnpvgdt vnmnqrnklk eeydifynwn
      481 fpqglgfkvk igifspyfpk gqqlhlsenl iewstgriqm ptsvcsadcg pgfrkvwkng
      541 mpaccfdcsp cpeneisnet nvelcvqcpe dqyanqeqnh cihkarifls ydeplgmals
      601 lmalclaalt vvvlgvfvkh hrtpivkann ctltyillia lifcflcplf fighpnsatc
      661 ilqqitfgvv ftvaistvla ktttvilafr vtaphrmmky flvsrasnyi ipictliqii
      721 vcaiwlgasp psvdidaqse hghiiiacnk gsvtafycvl gylaclafvs ftlaflsrnl
      781 pvtfneaksm tfsmlvfcsv wvtflpvyhg tkgkvmvave ifstlassag mlgcifapkc
      841 ytilfrpdrn slqmirekss shthil
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Reference sequence information

  • RefSeq mRNA
    See reference mRNA sequence for the Vom2r18 gene (NM_173318.2).

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