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Method Detail
Submitter Method Handle: BROAD
Submitted method description:
Genomic DNA template is amplified in a 10ul PCR reaction using the parameters listed below. A subset of the resulting PCR products is then checked for amplificiation visually via gel electrophoresis. Prior to sequencing, PCR products are subject to enzy
matic clean-up using SAP/Exo I digestion. Purified product is then sequenced via ABI Big Dye-Terminator
DNA sequencing using ABI 3730XL. These are candidate (unvalidated) SNPs detected using automated scoring with no manual review. Two automated methods were used to detect SNPs: PolyPhred (Nickerson et al., Nucleic Acids Res. (14): 2745-51) and a novel al
gorithm, PolyDahn (Richter et al in preparation). A SNP was considered a candidate if it was detected
by both methods or by one method in two reads. Using this criteria, over 3,000 novel SNPs have been discovered (see for details) and 2,500 SNPs already in dbSNP were rediscovered in 2.5 Mb of sequence. At
the time of submission, a subset of these SNPs were tested by independent genotyping, revealing a false positive rate of 7.3% for this method. Over the course of the project, all SNPs will be genotyped for validation and all genotype data will be depos
ited for all SNPs at
Reaction Volume:20 ul reaction volume
Template:100 ng cDNA
Buffer:1X PCR Buffer II (Applied Biosystems Inc.), 1.5 mM MgCl2
dNTPs:100 uM
Polymerase:1 U AmpliTaq Gold
Primers:0.125 uM mixed primers
Thermal Cycler:MJ Research 96-well
PCR Conditions:96C for 10 min ; 35 cycles of: 96C for 30 sec, 59C for 30 sec, 72C for 1 min ; 72C for 1 min ; 4C forever

This method was used in the following submission:

Submitter Handle Batch Type Submitter batch id Release build id
BROAD Assay HapMap-SNP-2004-08-20-32c 123
BROAD Assay HapMap-SNP-2004-08-20-80c 123
BROAD Assay HapMap-SNP-2005-05-19_96c 125
BROAD Assay HapMap-SNP-2005-05-19_80c 125

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