globin 1, isoform C [Drosophila melanogaster]
globin( domain architecture ID 10099307)
M-family globin similar to a variety of single-domain globins such as myoglobin and hemoglobin
List of domain hits

Name | Accession | Description | Interval | E-value | |||
Mb-like | cd01040 | myoglobin-like; M family globin domain; This family includes chimeric (FHbs/flavohemoglobins) ... |
9-142 | 4.71e-25 | |||
myoglobin-like; M family globin domain; This family includes chimeric (FHbs/flavohemoglobins) and single-domain globins: FHbs, Ngbs/neuroglobins, Cygb/cytoglobins, GbE/avian eye specific globin E, GbX/globin X, amphibian GbY/globin Y, Mb/myoglobin, HbA/hemoglobin-alpha, HbB/hemoglobin-beta, SDgbs/single-domain globins related to FHbs, and Adgb/androglobin. The M family exhibits the canonical secondary structure of hemoglobins, a 3-over-3 alpha-helical sandwich structure (3/3 Mb-fold), built by eight alpha-helical segments (named A through H). In Adgbs, the globin domain is split into two: helices C-H are followed by helices A-B and the two parts are separated by the IQ motif. Although rearranged, the globin domain of most Adgbs contains a number of conserved residues which play critical roles in heme-coordination and gas ligand binding. Adgbs have been omitted from this A-H helix cd. : Pssm-ID: 381254 Cd Length: 133 Bit Score: 92.90 E-value: 4.71e-25
Name | Accession | Description | Interval | E-value | |||
Mb-like | cd01040 | myoglobin-like; M family globin domain; This family includes chimeric (FHbs/flavohemoglobins) ... |
9-142 | 4.71e-25 | |||
myoglobin-like; M family globin domain; This family includes chimeric (FHbs/flavohemoglobins) and single-domain globins: FHbs, Ngbs/neuroglobins, Cygb/cytoglobins, GbE/avian eye specific globin E, GbX/globin X, amphibian GbY/globin Y, Mb/myoglobin, HbA/hemoglobin-alpha, HbB/hemoglobin-beta, SDgbs/single-domain globins related to FHbs, and Adgb/androglobin. The M family exhibits the canonical secondary structure of hemoglobins, a 3-over-3 alpha-helical sandwich structure (3/3 Mb-fold), built by eight alpha-helical segments (named A through H). In Adgbs, the globin domain is split into two: helices C-H are followed by helices A-B and the two parts are separated by the IQ motif. Although rearranged, the globin domain of most Adgbs contains a number of conserved residues which play critical roles in heme-coordination and gas ligand binding. Adgbs have been omitted from this A-H helix cd. Pssm-ID: 381254 Cd Length: 133 Bit Score: 92.90 E-value: 4.71e-25
Globin | pfam00042 | Globin; |
25-142 | 4.56e-15 | |||
Globin; Pssm-ID: 459646 [Multi-domain] Cd Length: 117 Bit Score: 66.93 E-value: 4.56e-15
Name | Accession | Description | Interval | E-value | |||
Mb-like | cd01040 | myoglobin-like; M family globin domain; This family includes chimeric (FHbs/flavohemoglobins) ... |
9-142 | 4.71e-25 | |||
myoglobin-like; M family globin domain; This family includes chimeric (FHbs/flavohemoglobins) and single-domain globins: FHbs, Ngbs/neuroglobins, Cygb/cytoglobins, GbE/avian eye specific globin E, GbX/globin X, amphibian GbY/globin Y, Mb/myoglobin, HbA/hemoglobin-alpha, HbB/hemoglobin-beta, SDgbs/single-domain globins related to FHbs, and Adgb/androglobin. The M family exhibits the canonical secondary structure of hemoglobins, a 3-over-3 alpha-helical sandwich structure (3/3 Mb-fold), built by eight alpha-helical segments (named A through H). In Adgbs, the globin domain is split into two: helices C-H are followed by helices A-B and the two parts are separated by the IQ motif. Although rearranged, the globin domain of most Adgbs contains a number of conserved residues which play critical roles in heme-coordination and gas ligand binding. Adgbs have been omitted from this A-H helix cd. Pssm-ID: 381254 Cd Length: 133 Bit Score: 92.90 E-value: 4.71e-25
Globin | pfam00042 | Globin; |
25-142 | 4.56e-15 | |||
Globin; Pssm-ID: 459646 [Multi-domain] Cd Length: 117 Bit Score: 66.93 E-value: 4.56e-15
Cygb | cd08924 | Cytoglobin and related globins; Cygb is a hexacoordinated heme-containing protein, able to ... |
5-139 | 1.37e-12 | |||
Cytoglobin and related globins; Cygb is a hexacoordinated heme-containing protein, able to bind O2, NO and carbon monoxide. It has both nitric oxide dioxygenase and lipid peroxidase activities, and potentially participates in the maintenance of normal phenotype by implementing a homeostatic effect, to counteract stress conditions imposed on a cell. Cygb is implicated in multiple human pathologies: it is up-regulated in fibrosis and neurodegenerative disorders, and down-regulated in multiple cancer types, and may have a tumor suppressor role. It is expressed ubiquitously across a broad range of vertebrate organs including liver, heart, brain, lung, retina, and gut. In the human brain, it was detected at high levels in the habenula, hypothalamus, thalamus, hippocampus and pontine tegmental nuclei, detected at a low level in the cerebral cortex, and undetected in the cerebellar cortex. Pssm-ID: 271275 Cd Length: 153 Bit Score: 61.40 E-value: 1.37e-12
Mb | cd08926 | Animal Myoglobins; Myoglobin (Mb) is a monomeric pentacoordinate heme-bound globin protein ... |
4-97 | 2.75e-05 | |||
Animal Myoglobins; Myoglobin (Mb) is a monomeric pentacoordinate heme-bound globin protein whose expression has long been considered limited to cardiomyocytes and striated skeletal muscle cell, however it has recently been found localized in a wide variety of tissues including smooth muscle cells. As a physiological catalyst, it can modulate reactive oxygen species levels, facilitate oxygen diffusion within the cell, and scavenge or generate NO depending on oxygen tensions within the cell. Through its NO dioxygenase and nitrite reductase activities, Mb regulates mitochondrial function in energy-demanding tissues. Pssm-ID: 271277 Cd Length: 148 Bit Score: 41.67 E-value: 2.75e-05
class1_nsHb-like | cd14784 | Class 1 nonsymbiotic hemoglobins and related proteins; Class1 nsHbs include the dimeric ... |
7-142 | 9.84e-05 | |||
Class 1 nonsymbiotic hemoglobins and related proteins; Class1 nsHbs include the dimeric hexacoordinate Trema tomentosa nsHb and the dimeric hexacoordinate nsHb from monocot barley. This subfamily also includes ParaHb, a dimeric pentacoordinate Hb from the root nodules of Parasponia andersonii, a non-legume capable of symbiotic nitrogen fixation. ParaHb is unusual in that it has different heme redox potentials for each subunit. Pssm-ID: 381291 Cd Length: 149 Bit Score: 40.19 E-value: 9.84e-05
GbX | cd12137 | Globin_X (GbX); Zebrafish globin X (GbX) is expressed at low levels in neurons of the central ... |
1-111 | 3.77e-04 | |||
Globin_X (GbX); Zebrafish globin X (GbX) is expressed at low levels in neurons of the central nervous system, and appears to be associated with the sensory system. GbX is likely to be attached to the cell membrane via S-palmitoylation and N-myristoylation. It's unlikely to have a true respiratory function as it is membrane-associated. It has been suggested that it may protect the lipids in the cell membrane from oxidation or act as a redox-sensing or signaling protein. Zebrafish GbX is hexacoordinate, and displays cooperative O2 binding. Pssm-ID: 271287 Cd Length: 145 Bit Score: 38.43 E-value: 3.77e-04
Ngb | cd08920 | Neuroglobins; The Ngb described in this subfamily is a hexacoordinated heme globin chiefly ... |
1-146 | 1.53e-03 | |||
Neuroglobins; The Ngb described in this subfamily is a hexacoordinated heme globin chiefly expressed in neurons of the brain and retina. In the human brain, it is highly expressed in the hypothalamus, amygdala, and in the pontine tegmental nuclei. It affords protection of brain neurons from ischemia and hypoxia. In rats, it plays a role in the neuroprotection of limb ischemic preconditioning (LIP). It plays roles as: a sensor of oxygen levels; a store or reservoir for oxygen; a facilitator for oxygen transport; a regulator of ROS; and a scavenger of nitric oxide. It also functions in the protection against apoptosis and in sleep regulation. This subgroup contains Ngb from mammalian and non-mammalian vertebrates, including fish, amphibians and reptiles; the functionally pentacoordinated acoelomorph Symsagittifera roscoffensis Ngb does not belong to this subgroup. Pssm-ID: 271272 Cd Length: 148 Bit Score: 36.74 E-value: 1.53e-03
Globin-like | cd01067 | Globin-like protein superfamily; This globin-like domain superfamily contains a wide variety ... |
26-142 | 3.96e-03 | |||
Globin-like protein superfamily; This globin-like domain superfamily contains a wide variety of all-helical proteins that bind porphyrins, phycobilins, and other non-heme cofactors, and play various roles in all three kingdoms of life, including sensors or transporters of oxygen. It includes the M/myoglobin-like, S/sensor globin, and T/truncated globin (TrHb) families, and the phycobiliproteins (PBPs). The M family includes chimeric (FHbs/flavohemoglobins) and single-domain globins: FHbs, Ngbs/neuroglobins, Cygb/cytoglobins, GbE/avian eye specific globin E, GbX/globin X, amphibian GbY/globin Y, Mb/myoglobin, HbA/hemoglobin-alpha, HbB/hemoglobin-beta, SDgbs/single-domain globins related to FHbs, and Adgb/androglobin. The S family includes GCS/globin-coupled sensors, Pgbs/protoglobins, and SSDgbs/sensor single domain globins. The T family is classified into three main groups: TrHb1s (N), TrHb2s (O) and TrHb3s (P). The M- and S families exhibit the canonical secondary structure of hemoglobins, a 3-over-3 alpha-helical sandwich structure (3/3 Mb-fold), built by eight alpha-helical segments (named A through H). For M family Adgbs, this globin domain is permuted, such that C-H are followed by A-B. The T family globins adopt a 2-on-2 alpha-helical sandwich structure, resulting from extensive and complex modifications of the canonical 3-on-3 alpha-helical sandwich that are distributed throughout the whole protein molecule. PBPs bind the linear tetrapyrrole chromophore, phycobilin, a prosthetic group chemically and metabolically related to iron protoporphyrin IX/protoheme. Examples of other globin-like domains which bind non-heme cofactors include those of the Bacillus anthracis sporulation inhibitors pXO1-118 and pXO2-61 which bind fatty acid and halide in vitro, and the globin-like domain of Bacillus subtilis RsbRA which is presumed to channel sensory input to the C-terminal sulfate transporter/ anti-sigma factor antagonist (STAT) domain. RsbRA is a component of the sigma B-activating stressosome, and a regulator of the RNA polymerase sigma factor subunit sigma (B). Pssm-ID: 381255 [Multi-domain] Cd Length: 119 Bit Score: 35.12 E-value: 3.96e-03
CeGLB25-like | cd14766 | Caenorhabditis elegans globin GLB-25, and related globins; The C. elegans genome contains 33 ... |
9-77 | 4.15e-03 | |||
Caenorhabditis elegans globin GLB-25, and related globins; The C. elegans genome contains 33 genes encoding globins that are all transcribed. These are very diverse in gene and protein structure and are localized in a variety of cells. The C. elegans globin GLB-25 (locus tag T06A1.3), like the majority of them, was expressed in neuronal cells in the head and tail portions of the body and in the nerve cord. Pssm-ID: 381279 Cd Length: 137 Bit Score: 35.37 E-value: 4.15e-03
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