4J3O: Crystal structure of the FimD usher traversed by the pilus tip complex assembly composed of FimC:FimF:FimG:FimH

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PDB ID: 4J3ODownload
MMDB ID: 109081
PDB Deposition Date: 2013/2/6
Updated in MMDB: 2023/09
Experimental Method:
x-ray diffraction
Resolution: 3.8  Å
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4J3O: Crystal structure of the FimD usher traversed by the pilus tip complex assembly composed of FimC:FimF:FimG:FimH
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GG: Protein FimGHH: Protein FimHCC: Chaperone protein FimCFF: Protein FimFDD: Outer membrane usher protein FimD
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Molecular Components in 4J3O
Label Count Molecule
Proteins (5 molecules)
Protein Fimg
(Gene symbol: fimG)
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Protein Fimh
(Gene symbol: fimH)
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Chaperone Protein Fimc
(Gene symbol: fimC)
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Protein Fimf
(Gene symbol: fimF)
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Outer Membrane Usher Protein Fimd
(Gene symbol: fimD)
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