8RCN: CryoEM structure of mTORC1 with a paediatric kidney cancer-associated 1455-EWED-1458 duplication in mTOR, Focused region of mTOR and RAPTOR on one protomer copy

PDB ID: 8RCNDownload
MMDB ID: 252075
PDB Deposition Date: 2023/12/6
Updated in MMDB: 2024/09
Experimental Method:
electron microscopy
Resolution: 3.1  Å
Source Organism:
Similar Structures:
Biological Unit for 8RCN: trimeric; determined by author and by software
Molecular Components in 8RCN
Label Count Molecule
Proteins (3 molecules)
Serine/threonine-protein Kinase Mtor
(Gene symbol: MTOR)
Molecule annotation
Regulatory-associated Protein of Mtor
(Gene symbol: RPTOR)
Molecule annotation
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 4e-binding Protein 1
(Gene symbol: EIF4EBP1)
Molecule annotation
Chemicals and Non-standard biopolymers (3 molecules)
* Click molecule labels to explore molecular sequence information.

Citing MMDB