Reset Context
"search": {
"acc": "PRJNA282056"
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"version": "1.0.1",
"name": "run_selectorstudy",
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"title": "DATASTORE provider",
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"datastore_region_ss": {
"title": "DATASTORE region",
"facet_number": 2
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"title": "DATASTORE filetype",
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"short": 1000
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"stats": [
"type_number": {
"std": 1000,
"run": 1001,
"sam": 1002
"selection": {
"key": {
"field": "acc_s",
"title": "Runs"
"num1": {
"field": "bytes_l",
"title": "Bytes",
"div": 1024,
"mul": 1
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"mul": 1
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"wgmlst": {
"wgmlst_common_loci_l": {
"title": "common loci",
"number": 3
"wgmlst_allele_match_l": {
"title": "allele match",
"number": 4
"wgmlst_loci_not_in_query_l": {
"title": "loci not in query",
"number": 5
"wgmlst_loci_in_query_l": {
"title": "loci in query",
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- SRA-6532
- SRP000008
- PRJNA292477 - 12496 items
- SRP000007 - no facets
- SRP161735 - has region not for all records
- SAMN03874500 - only one run
- SAMN03874500, max_mismatches=3 - WGMLST example
- uids=3736601,3736600,3736597,3736596,3736595 - Entrez example, UIDs case
- Entrez example request for query_key sample
- SRR5366439,SRR7868057,SRR3307670 - not allowed, allowed and public records for Jon Doe
- public data in Amazon and Google cloud - PRJNA262923
- 5 accessions in Amazon and Google cloud
- 2520 project, image files
- drid=64740
JWT test
JWT prod test