Genome Information for Serratia
This bacterium was sequenced by the DOE-JGI as part of a GLBRC bioenergy initiative.
Accession | PRJNA178957 |
Data Type | Genome sequencing |
Scope | Monoisolate |
Organism | Serratia sp. FGI94[Taxonomy ID: 671990] Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; Pseudomonadota; Gammaproteobacteria; Enterobacterales; Yersiniaceae; Serratia; Serratia sp. FGI94 |
Publications | Aylward FO et al., "Complete Genome of Serratia sp. Strain FGI 94, a Strain Associated with Leaf-Cutter Ant Fungus Gardens.", Genome Announc, 2013 Mar 14;1(2):e0023912 |
Grants | - "NA" (Grant ID BER DE-FC02- 07ER64494, Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center)
- "NA" (Grant ID NA, Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute)
Submission | Registration date: 3-Jan-2013 UW-Madison |
Relevance | Industrial |
Locus Tag Prefix | D781 |
Project Data:
Resource Name | Number of Links |
Sequence data |
Nucleotide (Genomic DNA) | 1 |
SRA Experiments | 2 |
Protein Sequences | 4361 |
Publications |
PubMed | 1 |
PMC | 1 |
Other datasets |
BioSample | 1 |
Assembly | 1 |