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Accession: PRJNA283104 ID: 283104

Pectobacterium atrosepticum SCRI1043

Discovery and profiling of small RNAs responsive to stress conditions in the plant pathogen Pectobacterium atrosepticum

See Genome Information for Pectobacterium atrosepticum
Small RNAs (sRNAs) have emerged as important regulatory molecules and have been studied in several bacteria. However, to date, there have been no whole-transcriptome studies on sRNAs in any of the Soft Rot Enterobacteriaceae (SRE) group of pathogens. Although the main ecological niches for these pathogens are plants, a significant part of their life cycle is undertaken outside their host within the adverse soil environment. However, the mechanisms of SRE adaptation to this harsh nutrient-deficient environment are poorly understood. In the study reported herein, by using strand-specific RNA-seq analysis and in silico sRNA predictions, we describe the sRNA pool of Pectobacterium atrosepticum and reveal numerous sRNA candidates, including those that are induced during starvation-activated stress response. Consequently, strand-specific RNA-seq enabled detection of 137 sRNAs and sRNA candidates under starvation conditions; 25 of these sRNAs were predicted for this bacterium in silico. Functional annotations were computationally assigned to 68 sRNAs. The expression of sRNAs in P. atrosepticum was compared under growth-promoting and starvation conditions: 63 sRNAs were differentially expressed with 57 sRNAs up-regulated under nutrient-deficient conditions. Conservation analysis using BLAST (e-value < 0.001) showed that most of the identified sRNAs are conserved within the SRE. Subsequently, we identified 9 novel sRNAs within the P. atrosepticum genome. A large number of these sRNAs is starvation-induced, suggesting their role in bacterial adaptive response. Finally, this work provides a basis for future experimental characterization and validation of sRNAs in plant pathogens. Overall design: sRNA profiles from P. atrosepticum SCRI1043 cells existing under growth-promoting and starvation conditions were generated using Strand-specific RNA sequencing
AccessionPRJNA283104; GEO: GSE68547
Data TypeTranscriptome or Gene expression
OrganismPectobacterium atrosepticum SCRI1043[Taxonomy ID: 218491]
Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; Pseudomonadota; Gammaproteobacteria; Enterobacterales; Pectobacteriaceae; Pectobacterium; Pectobacterium atrosepticum; Pectobacterium atrosepticum SCRI1043
  • Gorshkov V et al., "Global Gene Expression Analysis of Cross-Protected Phenotype of Pectobacterium atrosepticum.", PLoS One, 2017;12(1):e0169536
  • Kwenda S et al., "Discovery and profiling of small RNAs responsive to stress conditions in the plant pathogen Pectobacterium atrosepticum.", BMC Genomics, 2016 Jan 12;17:47
SubmissionRegistration date: 5-May-2015
9-5 New Agricultural Building, Microbiology and Plant Pathology Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI), University of Pretoria
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SRA Experiments2
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Data volume, Gbases5
Data volume, Mbytes3437

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  • Pectobacterium atrosepticum SCRI1043
    Pectobacterium atrosepticum SCRI1043
    Discovery and profiling of small RNAs responsive to stress conditions in the plant pathogen Pectobacterium atrosepticum

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