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Accession: PRJNA381216 ID: 381216

The Project for High-Confidence Coding and Noncoding Transcriptome Maps

The advent of high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) has led to the discovery of unprecedentedly immense transcriptomes encoded by eukaryotic genomes. However, the transcriptome maps are still incomplete partly because they were mostly reconstructed based on RNA-seq reads that lack their orientations (known as unstranded reads) and certain boundary information. Methods to expand the usability of unstranded RNA-seq data by predetermining the orientation of the reads and precisely determining the boundaries of assembled transcripts could significantly benefit the quality of the resulting transcriptome maps. Here, we present a high-performing transcriptome assembly pipeline, called CAFE, that significantly improves the original assemblies, respectively assembled with stranded and/or unstranded RNA-seq data, by orienting unstranded reads using the maximum likelihood estimation and by integrating information about transcription start sites and cleavage and polyadenylation sites. More...
AccessionPRJNA381216; GEO: GSE97212
TypeUmbrella project
PublicationsYou BH et al., "High-confidence coding and noncoding transcriptome maps.", Genome Res, 2017 Jun;27(6):1050-1062
SubmissionRegistration date: 29-Mar-2017
Department of Life Science, Hanyang University
Project Data:
Resource NameNumber
of Links
Sequence data
SRA Experiments2
Other datasets
GEO DataSets3
GEO Data Details
Data volume, Supplementary Mbytes1916
SRA Data Details
Data volume, Gbases17
Data volume, Mbytes11414
The Project for High-Confidence Coding and Noncoding Transcriptome Maps encompasses the following 2 sub-projects:
Project TypeNumber of Projects
Transcriptome or Gene expression2
PRJNA381218High-confidence Coding and Noncoding Transcriptome MapsHigh-confidence Coding and Noncoding Transcriptome Maps (Department of Life Science,...)
PRJNA335726Mus musculusCo-assembly of stranded and unstranded RNA-seq data improves coding and noncoding transcriptome maps (Department of Life Science,...)

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