Genome Information for Pantoea agglomerans
Seed-associated bacterial strains collected from Raphanus sativus seeds. These strains are representative isolates of the main bacterial populations associated with R. sativus seeds.
Accession | PRJNA459498 |
Data Type | Genome sequencing and assembly |
Scope | Monoisolate |
Organism | Pantoea agglomerans[Taxonomy ID: 549] Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; Pseudomonadota; Gammaproteobacteria; Enterobacterales; Erwiniaceae; Pantoea; Pantoea agglomerans group; Pantoea agglomerans |
Publications | Torres-Cortés G et al., "Differences in resource use lead to coexistence of seed-transmitted microbial populations.", Sci Rep, 2019 Apr 30;9(1):6648 |
Grants | - "MetaSEED" (Grant ID MetaSEED2014-2017, Region Pays de la Loire)
Submission | Registration date: 7-May-2019 INRA |
Relevance | Agricultural |
Locus Tag Prefix | PagCFBP13532 |
Project Data:
Resource Name | Number of Links |
Sequence data |
Nucleotide (total) | 62 |
WGS master | 1 |
Protein Sequences | 4513 |
Publications |
PubMed | 1 |
PMC | 1 |
Other datasets |
BioSample | 1 |
Assembly | 1 |