The Open Green Genomes (OGG) project aims to collaborate with the DOE JGI Community Science Program to sequence plant genomes sampled across land plants in order to fill phylogenetic sampling gaps among JGI Plant Flagship and other green plant genomes.
This is an umbrella BioProject for Ceratopteris richardii Hn-n (M.Whitten #5841) Genome sequencing and assembly and transcriptomics.
Accession | PRJNA753842 |
Type | Umbrella project |
Submission | Registration date: 11-Aug-2021 DOE Joint Genome Institute |
Related Resources | |
Relevance | Environmental |
Locus Tag Prefix | K3889 |
Project Data:
Resource Name | Number of Links |
Sequence data |
Nucleotide (total) | 10812 |
WGS master | 1 |
SRA Experiments | 257 |
Protein Sequences | 75211 |
Other datasets |
BioSample | 29 |
Assembly | 1 |
Ceratopteris richardii isolate:Whitten #5841 | cultivar:Hn-n encompasses the following 14 sub-projects:
Project Type | Number of Projects |
Genome sequencingHighest level of assembly : Chromosomes SRA or Trace Total | 1 1 2
BioProject accession | Assembly level | Organism | Title |
PRJNA581960 | SRA or Trace | Ceratopteris richardii | Ceratopteris richardii Hn-n (M.Whitten #5841) Standard Draft (DOE Joint Genome Institute) | PRJNA729743 | Chromosomes | Ceratopteris richardii | Ceratopteris richardii isolate:Whitten #5841 | cultivar:Hn-n Genome sequencing and assembly (Open Green Genomes Project) |
transcriptome | 12 |