This SuperSeries is composed of the SubSeries listed below.
Overall design: Refer to individual Series
Accession | PRJNA533073; GEO: GSE129868 |
Type | Umbrella project |
Publications | Bauriedl S et al., "The minimal meningococcal ProQ protein has an intrinsic capacity for structure-based global RNA recognition.", Nat Commun, 2020 Jun 4;11(1):2823 |
Submission | Registration date: 16-Apr-2019 Core Unit SysMed, University of Wuerzburg |
Relevance | Superseries |
Project Data:
Resource Name | Number of Links |
Sequence data |
SRA Experiments | 10 |
Publications |
PubMed | 1 |
PMC | 1 |
Other datasets |
BioSample | 10 |
GEO DataSets | 3 |
The minimal ProQ protein of Neisseria meningitidis is a global RNA-binding protein that operates in parallel with Hfq encompasses the following 2 sub-projects:
Project Type | Number of Projects |
Transcriptome or Gene expression | 2 |
BioProject accession | Organism | Title |
PRJNA533193 | Neisseria meningitidis 8013 | The minimal ProQ protein of Neisseria meningitidis is a global RNA-binding protein that operates in parallel with Hfq [CLIP-Seq] (Core Unit SysMed, University...) | PRJNA533194 | Neisseria meningitidis 8013 | The minimal ProQ protein of Neisseria meningitidis is a global RNA-binding protein that operates in parallel with Hfq [RNA-Seq] (Core Unit SysMed, University...) |