These 31 genomes were selected in order to cover the extent of the phylogenetic and pigment diversity of marine Synechococcus/Cyanobium as well as maximize their geographic origin and trophic regimes of their isolation site
Accession | PRJNA596899 |
Data Type | Genome sequencing |
Scope | Multispecies |
Grants | - "Elucidating niche adaptation mechanisms in a ubiquitous marine phototroph: a targeted 'omics approach" (Grant ID NE/I00985X/1, Natural Environment Research Council grant)
- "MicroB3" (Grant ID EU-FP7 287589 FP7-MicroB3, European Union's Seventh Framework Programmes)
- "MaCuMBA" (Grant ID EU-FP7 311975 FP7-MaCuMBA, European Union's Seventh Framework Programmes)
- "SAMOSA" (Grant ID ANR-13-ADAP-0010, Agence Nationale de la Recherche)
- "CINNAMON" (Grant ID ANR-17-CE2- 0014-01, Agence Nationale de la Recherche)
Submission | Registration date: 20-Dec-2019 Station Biologique de Roscoff (CNRS - Sorbonne University) |
Related Resources | |
Relevance | Environmental |
Project Data:
Resource Name | Number of Links |
Sequence data |
Nucleotide (Genomic DNA) | 31 |
Protein Sequences | 92026 |
Other datasets |
BioSample | 31 |
Assembly | 31 |