Publications (total 6) Less... | - Mandal S et al., "Interactions of sulfur oxidation repressor with its promoters involve different binding geometries.", Arch Microbiol, 2012 Sep;194(9):737-47
More...- Mandal S et al., "Interactions of sulfur oxidation repressor with its promoters involve different binding geometries.", Arch Microbiol, 2012 Sep;194(9):737-47
- Mandal S "The sulfur oxidation operon repressor function is influenced by the product of its adjacent upstream ORF in Pseudaminobacter salicylatoxidans KCT001.", Curr Microbiol, 2012 Mar;64(3):259-64
- Mandal S et al., "The dimeric repressor SoxR binds cooperatively to the promoter(s) regulating expression of the sulfur oxidation (sox) operon of Pseudaminobacter salicylatoxidans KCT001.", Microbiology (Reading), 2007 Jan;153(Pt 1):80-91
- Lahiri C et al., "A novel gene cluster soxSRT is essential for the chemolithotrophic oxidation of thiosulfate and tetrathionate by Pseudaminobacter salicylatoxidans KCT001.", Curr Microbiol, 2006 Apr;52(4):267-73
- Deb C et al., "Phylogenetically diverse new sulfur chemolithotrophs of alpha-proteobacteria isolated from Indian soils.", Curr Microbiol, 2004 Jun;48(6):452-8
- Mukhopadhyaya PN et al., "A soxA gene, encoding a diheme cytochrome c, and a sox locus, essential for sulfur oxidation in a new sulfur lithotrophic bacterium.", J Bacteriol, 2000 Aug;182(15):4278-87
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