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Metagenome-assembled genome: private_T1888_metabat2_bin.51

BioSample: SAMEA115958028; SRA: ERS20917943
Puttea exsequens
cellular organisms; Eukaryota; Opisthokonta; Fungi; Dikarya; Ascomycota; saccharomyceta; Pezizomycotina; leotiomyceta; Lecanoromycetes; OSLEUM clade; Lecanoromycetidae; Lecanorales; Lecanorales incertae sedis; Puttea
broad-scale environmental contextThallus of Puttea exsequens lichen
collection date2017-09-30
environmental mediumlichen thallus
geographic locationCanada
investigation typemetagenome-assembled genome
isolation sourcelichen metagenome
project nameThe genome sequences provided here are part of a study on the CAZyme arsenal of lichen fungal symbionts from the Lecanoromycetes in the context of other (previously published) fungi from other groups of the Ascomycota.
sample nameprivate_T1888_metabat2_bin.51
ENA first public2024-09-19
INSDC center nameSpribille Lab
INSDC statuspublic
Submitter Idprivate_T1888_metabat2_bin.51
assembly qualityMany fragments with little to no review of assembly other than reporting of standard assembly statistics
assembly softwaremetaSPAdes_v3.13
binning parametersdefault
binning softwaremetaWRAP_v.1.2
completeness score99.62
completeness softwareEukCC_v2
contamination score0.0
geographic location (latitude)56.58416700
geographic location (longitude)-119.70971700
local environmental contextlichen thallus
metagenomic sourcelichen metagenome
sample derived fromSAMN25961862
scientific_namePuttea exsequens
sequencing methodIllumina HiSeq X
taxonomic identity markermulti-marker approach

This sample represents a Third Party Annotation (TPA) Metagenome-assembled genome assembled from the metagenomic run SRR18162832 of study SRP361743.

PRJEB77567 Metagenome-assembled genomes derived from Tagirdzhanova et al. 2024: Microbial occurrence and symbiont detection in lichen metagenomes
Retrieve all samples from this project

EBI; 2024-09-20

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