collection date | 2017 |
broad-scale environmental context | terrestrial biome |
local-scale environmental context | human-associated habitat |
environmental medium | feces |
geographic location | USA |
investigation type | metagenome-assembled genome |
isolation source | human feces |
project name | Metagenome sequencing of Californian gut microbiome |
reference for biomaterial | |
sample collection device or method | |
sample name | REFINED_METABAT215_SUBJECT_CONTIGS_1500_ASSEMBLY_K77_MERGED__Pilot_MoBio_Fiber-Hadza-Nepal_C_23_7024.117 |
16S rRNAs recovered | 0 |
16S recovered | FALSE |
16S recovery software | barrnap;0.9;--kingdom bac |
23S rRNAs recovered | 0 |
5S rRNAs recovered | 2 |
CheckM strain heterogeneity | 35.71 |
ENA first public | 2022-04-01 |
ENA last update | 2022-04-01 |
External Id | SAMEA13514475 |
GTDB r202 classification | d__Bacteria;p__Firmicutes_A;c__Clostridia;o__TANB77;f__CAG-508;g__CAG-269;s__ |
INSDC center alias | Stanford University School of Medicine |
INSDC center name | stanford university school of medicine |
INSDC first public | 2022-04-01T08:20:31Z |
INSDC last update | 2022-04-01T08:20:31Z |
INSDC status | public |
MAG coverage depth | 30.55 |
MAG coverage software | Reads (ERR7738514) were merged using BBMerge (rem k=62 extend2=50 ecct vstrict) and then mapped to assembled contigs >=1500bp (ERZ4567069) using Bowtie2 v2.3.4 (--very-sensitive -X 1000). Coverage was calculated using jgi_summarize_bam_contig_depths (default parameters) from MetaBAT2 v2.15. |
Submitter Id | REFINED_METABAT215_SUBJECT_CONTIGS_1500_ASSEMBLY_K77_MERGED__Pilot_MoBio_Fiber-Hadza-Nepal_C_23_7024.117 |
assembly quality | Many fragments with little to no review of assembly other than reporting of standard assembly statistics. |
assembly software | metaSPAdes;3.13.1;-k 21,33,55,77 --merged BBMerge.fq.gz -1 R1.fq.gz -2 R2.fq.gz |
binning parameters | Reads from ERR7738514 were assembled into contigs (ERZ4567069). The following read sets from this study were the most similar to ERR7738514 as determined by MASH (-r -m 2 -s 100000 -k 32): ERR7738514,ERR7738547. Following processing using BBMerge (rem k=62 extend2=50 ecct vstrict), reads from each of these 2 samples were mapped using bowtie2 v2.3.4 (--very-sensitive -X 1000) onto contigs >=1500bp from ERZ4567069. Depth information for all 2 mapped samples was utilized by MetaBAT2 2.15 for genome binning. Contigs flagged by any module in MAGpurify 2.1.0 (--weighted mode for gc_content, tetra_freq, and coverage modules; conspecific database augmented by high-quality MAGs from this study) were removed from the bin. |
binning software | MetaBAT2 v2.15; MAGpurify v2.1.0 |
completeness approach | CheckM marker lineage: o__Clostridiales (UID1212) |
completeness score | 71.08 |
completeness software | CheckM;1.1.2;lineage_wf |
contamination score | 3.76 |
contamination screening input | reads |
contamination screening parameters | All reads in ERR7738514 failed to map to hg19 (with custom masking) using BBMap v38.86 (minid=0.95 maxindel=3 bwr=0.16 bw=12 minhits=2). |
geographic location (elevation) | 29 |
geographic location (latitude) | 37.4275 |
geographic location (longitude) | -122.1697 |
inter-study species representative | GUT_GENOME020894 |
intra-study species representative | ERR7738514_bin.117 |
metagenomic source | human gut metagenome |
most complete 5S rRNA recovered | 0.9495798319327731 |
nucleic acid extraction | |
number of standard tRNAs extracted | 33 |
reassembly post binning | No |
sample derived from | SRS9383944 |
sequencing method | Illumina NovaSeq 6000 |
tRNA extraction software | tRNAscan-SE;2.0.9;-B |
taxonomic classification | GTDB-TK v1.7.0, r202 database, default parameters |
taxonomic identity marker | multi-marker approach |
unique standard tRNAs extracted | 19 |