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Metagenome-assembled genome: ERR589666_bin.30_CONCOCT_v1.1_MAG

BioSample: SAMEA14084903; SRA: ERS11688035
uncultured Atopobium sp.
cellular organisms; Bacteria; Bacillati; Actinomycetota; Coriobacteriia; Coriobacteriales; Atopobiaceae; Atopobium; environmental samples
collection date2019-01-01
broad-scale environmental contextHost-associated
local-scale environmental contextHuman
environmental mediumDigestive system
geographic locationChina
investigation typemetagenome-assembled genome
isolation sourcehuman gut metagenome
project nameBacterial infection has long been implicated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but a systematic analysis of the probiotic and pathogenic microbiome in RA has been lacking. It is not clear whether and how the gut or oral microbial community is compositionally and functionally altered in RA, and whether and how the microbiota at different body sites overlap. Here we perform whole-genome shotgun sequencing for fecal, dental and salivary samples from a large cohort of RA patients, analyze metagenomic linkage groups to construct an RA classifier.
sample nameERR589666_bin.30_CONCOCT_v1.1_MAG
External IdSAMEA14084903
INSDC center aliasEBI
INSDC center nameEuropean Bioinformatics Institute
INSDC first public2023-01-03T00:33:34Z
INSDC last update2023-01-03T00:33:34Z
INSDC statuspublic
Submitter IdERR589666_bin.30_CONCOCT_v1.1_MAG
assembly qualityMultiple fragments where gaps span repetitive regions. Presence of the 23S, 16S, and 5S rRNA genes and at least 18 tRNAs
assembly softwarespadesv3.11.1
binning parametersDefault
binning softwareCONCOCT v1.1
broker nameEMG broker account, EMBL-EBI
completeness score100
completeness softwareCheckM
contamination score0.0
geographic location (latitude)55.676098
geographic location (longitude)12.568337
metagenomic sourcehuman gut metagenome
sample derived fromSAMEA2738023
scientific_nameuncultured Atopobium sp.
sequencing methodIllumina HiSeq 2000
taxonomic identity markermulti-marker approach

This sample represents a Third Party Annotation (TPA) Metagenome-Assembled Genome (MAG) assembled from the metagenomic run ERR589666 of study ERP006678.

PRJEB51075 Large-scale analysis of novel cellular microbes from the human gut biome
Retrieve all samples from this project

EBI; 2023-01-04

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