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Metagenome-assembled genome: ERP107533_co1_6

BioSample: SAMEA117293928; SRA: ERS22361463
uncultured Fluviicola sp.
cellular organisms; Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; FCB group; Bacteroidota/Chlorobiota group; Bacteroidota; Flavobacteriia; Flavobacteriales; Crocinitomicaceae; Fluviicola; environmental samples
broad-scale environmental contextterrestrial
collection date2012-12-05
environmental mediumterrestrial
geographic locationChile
investigation typemetagenome-assembled genome
isolation sourcemicrobial mat metagenome
project nameAtacama region in Chile is one of the most arid locations in the world. Extreme conditions in the area include: high UV irradiation, hypersalinity, drastic temperature changes, and desiccation. Hypersaline lakes can be found in this environment, and therein, bacterial communities thrive in microbial mats and other structures. WGS metagenomics allows to analyze the genes in the environment and infer functional and taxonomic diversity, and also their influence in the biogeochemical setting. In the datasets from this project, two microbial mats from lakes Brava and Tebenquiche, in Atacama region in Chile, were analyzed.
sample nameERP107533_co1_6
ENA first public2024-12-11
INSDC center nameCMR
INSDC statuspublic
Submitter IdERP107533_co1_6
assembly qualityMany fragments with little to no review of assembly other than reporting of standard assembly statistics
assembly softwaremetaSPAdes;3.15.4;default
binning parameterscoverage and kmer
binning softwareMetaBAT2;2.15;default
completeness score97.15
completeness softwareCheckM2;1.0.2;default
contamination score1.59
geographic location (latitude)-23.138472
geographic location (longitude)-68.247194
local environmental contextmicrobial mat biome
metagenomic sourcemicrobial mat metagenome
sample derived fromSAMEA81454168
scientific_nameuncultured Fluviicola sp.
sequencing methodIllumina HiSeq 1500
taxonomic identity markermulti-marker approach

This sample represents a Third Party Annotation (TPA) Metagenome-assembled genome assembled from the metagenomic runs ERR2437276,ERR2437277 of study ERP107533.

PRJEB82487 Bin Chicken Rare Biosphere Genomes
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EBI; 2024-12-12

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