Table 35Summary of evidence: Theme 3 – factors relating to patients

Study design and sampleDescriptors of themesQuality assessment
No. of studiesDesignCriteriaRatingOverall
Sub theme 1: Denial in prognosis
11 interviewOne study in primary care in the UK interviewed patients, healthcare professionals, and family members about shared decision making.6 From 1 trial both the patient and the healthcare professional reported denial in prognosis as a barrier in shared decision making:
  • Patient - “ no not at this time because I don't see myself as being that far down the road yet, I'm still quite positive, well apart from when I'm feeling really ill”
  • Healthcare professional- “he never actually asked him where he would like to die. It was always a case of let's see what's happening with you and he steered you away form that all the time”
Limitations of evidenceSeriousLOW
Coherence of findingsCoherent
Applicability of evidenceNot applicable
Theme saturation/sufficiencyunclear
Sub theme 2: Willingness to discuss
11 interviewOne study interviewed patients, family members and healthcare professionals in the UK around end of life decisions.6 Healthcare professionals identified the patients and family members initiative as a facilitator to involvement in shared decision making:
  • “We've talked to them about where he wants to die and what the future possibly holds and how she is going to cope, what services are available, that's been a conversation we've had right from the beginning and a couple of times they've initiated it to re-visit”
They also commented on patients and family members unwillingness to have conversations as a potential barrier to involvement in shared decision making:
“It's very much led by the patient: if they want to know…how they are doing whatever and be guided intuitively by them really. There are some patients who will be very open and frank with you and use all the right words but there are others that will say to you or indicate ‘I know where you're going with this and I don't want to hear”
Limitations of evidenceSeriousLOW
Coherence of findingsCoherent
Applicability of evidenceNot applicable
Theme saturation/sufficiencyunclear

From: 7, Shared decision making

Cover of Care of Dying Adults in the Last Days of Life
Care of Dying Adults in the Last Days of Life.
NICE Guideline, No. 31.
National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK).
Copyright © 2015 National Clinical Guideline Centre.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.