NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
This book contains information on the Entrez Protein, Nucleotide, Expressed Sequence Tag (EST), and Genome Survey Sequence (GSS) databases. The instructions here should allow you to quickly begin searching and using the features of the Entrez sequence databases.
- Entrez Sequences Quick StartCreated: June 29, 2010; Last Update: July 5, 2024.
- How do I use a simple query, such as a word or a phrase?
- How can I make my search more specific with Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT)?
- How do I restrict my search to specific subsets of records such as those from a specific organism, molecule type or source database?
- How do I analyze the sequence data directly or find additional related data?
- How can I search for a sub-sequence, or pattern in a protein or nucleotide sequence?
- How can I locate and highlight a biological feature in a protein or nucleotide sequence?
- Entrez Nucleotide and Entrez Protein FAQsCreated: October 1, 2006; Last Update: July 2, 2024.
- Search Field Descriptions for Sequence DatabaseCreated: December 3, 2010; Last Update: July 5, 2024.