It may be helpful to view the same BLAST results in different formats. A user may first parse the tabular format looking for matches meeting a certain criteria, then go back and examine the relevant alignments in the full BLAST report. He may also first look at pair-wise alignments, then decide to use a query-anchored view. Viewing a BLAST report in different formats has been possible on the NCBI BLAST web site since 2000, but has not been possible with stand-alone BLAST runs. The blast_formatter allows this, if the original search produced blast archive format using the –outfmt 11 switch. The query sequence, the BLAST options, the masking information, the name of the database, and the alignment are written out as ASN.1 (a structured format similar to XML). The –max_target_seqs option should be used to control the number of matches recorded in the alignment. The blast_formatter reads this information and formats a report. The BLAST database used for the original search must be available, or the sequences need to be fetched from the NCBI, assuming the database contains sequences in the public dataset. The box below illustrates the procedure. A blastn run first produces the BLAST archive format, and the blast_fomatter then reads the file and produces tabular output.
Blast_formatter will format stand-alone searches performed with an earlier version of a database if both the search and formatting databases are prepared so that fetching by sequence ID is possible. To enable fetching by sequence ID use the –parse_seqids flag when running makeblastdb, or (if available) download preformatted BLAST databases from using (provided as part of the BLAST+ package). Currently the blast archive format and blast_formatter do not work with database free searches (i.e., -subject rather than –db was used for the original search).
$ echo 1786181 | blastn -db ecoli -outfmt 11 -out out.1786181.asn
$ blast_formatter -archive out.1786181.asn -outfmt "7 qacc sacc evalue
qstart qend sstart send"
# BLASTN 2.2.24+
# Query: gi|1786181|gb|AE000111.1|AE000111 Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655
section 1 of 400
# Database: ecoli
# Fields: query acc., subject acc., evalue, q. start, q. end,
s. start, s. end
# 85 hits found
AE000111 AE000111 0.0 1 10596 1 10596
AE000111 AE000174 8e-30 5565 5671 6928 6821
AE000111 AE000394 1e-27 5587 5671 135 219
AE000111 AE000425 6e-26 5587 5671 8552 8468
AE000111 AE000171 3e-24 5587 5671 2214 2130
AE000111 AE000171 1e-23 5587 5670 10559 10642
AE000111 AE000376 1e-22 5587 5675 129 42
AE000111 AE000268 1e-22 5587 5671 6174 6090
AE000111 AE000112 1e-22 10539 10596 1 58
AE000111 AE000447 5e-22 5587 5670 681 598
AE000111 AE000344 6e-21 5587 5671 4112 4196
AE000111 AE000490 2e-20 5584 5671 4921 4835
AE000111 AE000280 2e-20 5587 5670 12930 12847
Publication Details
Publication History
Created: June 23, 2008; Last Update: January 7, 2021.
BLAST is a Registered Trademark of the National Library of Medicine
National Center for Biotechnology Information (US), Bethesda (MD)
NLM Citation
BLAST® Command Line Applications User Manual [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2008-. Reformat BLAST reports with blast_formatter. 2008 Jun 23 [Updated 2021 Jan 7].