Table 10CER Survivor Eligibility and Enrollment

Research componentPlanned sample sizeTotal screenedTotal eligibleTotal enrolled
Institutional enrollment452325532
Survivor enrollment1150a1190b1189991
Clinician enrollmentN/AN/AN/A101

Abbreviations: CER, comparative effectiveness research; N/A, not applicable.

aSurvivor enrollment planned sample size numbers are based on our June 2016 approved modification to PCORI.

bThe number of screened participants for the CER enrollment numbers included 1 lung cancer patient who was screened into the study by a site but was later deemed ineligible by the GW research team.

From: Evaluating Different Types of Cancer Survivorship Care

Cover of Evaluating Different Types of Cancer Survivorship Care
Evaluating Different Types of Cancer Survivorship Care [Internet].
Mead KH, Raskin S, Arem H, et al.
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