Box 35Options for dates
It is not NLM practice, but the date of publication may follow the author
names in the list of references when the name-year system of in-text
references is used.
Use the year of publication only
Enter the year after the last named author
Place the volume number immediately following the type of
NLM citation:
Wilson JH, Singhoffer JH. Paradoxical embolus in
evolution: report of a case. Dyn Cardiovasc
Imaging [videocassette]. 1990;3(1):[presentation
2, 4 min.]. 1 videocassette: sound, color, 1/2
Name-year system citation:
Wilson JH, Singhoffer JH. 1990. Paradoxical
embolus in evolution: report of a case. Dyn
Cardiovasc Imaging [videocassette].
3(1):[presentation 2, 4 min.]. 1 videocassette:
sound, color, 1/2 in.