Box 88Part is a video clip, videocast, or podcast
If a video clip, videocast , or podcast is part of a book:
Place the word Video, Videocast, or Podcast in square
brackets followed by a comma and a space
Enter the title of the part, followed by a semicolon and a
Give the date of update/revision (if known) and the date of
citation in square brackets, separated by a semicolon and a
End date information with a semicolon and a space
Give extent as the number of minutes needed to view/listen,
placed in square brackets
Abbreviate minutes to min.
End with a semicolon placed outside the closing bracket
Lodish H, Berk A, Zipursky LS, Matsudaira P,
Baltimore D, Darnell J. Molecular cell biology
[Internet]. 4th ed. New York: W.H. Freeman; 2000.
[Video], Immunoblot and enzyme-linked assay;
[cited 2006 Nov 15]; [3 min.]. Available from: