Clinical Description
To date, approximately 40 individuals have been identified with biallelic pathogenic variants in SAR1B [Jones et al 2003, Charcosset et al 2008, Peretti et al 2010]. The following description of the phenotypic features associated with this condition is based on these reports.
Chylomicron retention disease (CMRD) typically presents in infancy as failure to thrive, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal distention, and malabsorption of fat [Levy et al 2019, Sissaoui et al 2021]. Some of the extraintestinal manifestations (e.g., those affecting the eyes, neuromuscular system, and blood) are due to deficiencies of fat-soluble vitamins.
Table 2.
Chylomicron Retention Disease: Frequency of Select Features in Untreated Individuals
View in own window
Feature | Frequency |
In nearly all | Common | Infrequent |
Failure to thrive | ● | | |
Deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins | ● | | |
Steatorrhea/diarrhea | ● | | |
Fat malabsorption | ● | | |
No chylomicrons in response to oral fat load | ● | | |
Abdominal distention | | ● | |
Vomiting | | ● | |
Hepatomegaly | | | ● |
Steatosis | | | ● |
Hypo-/areflexia | | | ● |
Gastrointestinal. Following an oral fat load, triglyceride levels fail to increase due to inability to export chylomicron particles. Steatorrhea is the primary gastrointestinal manifestation. It can be present starting in infancy and throughout childhood. The severity relates to the fat content of the diet.
Malabsorptive diarrhea, with vomiting and abdominal distention, is often present.
As affected individuals age, they learn to avoid dietary fat, which improves steatorrhea. Symptoms often improve within days or weeks of initiating a low-fat diet (see
Management) [
Peretti et al 2010].
Global caloric deficiency is associated with delayed growth trajectory, with both height and weight typically below the tenth centile without intervention.
Fat-soluble vitamin malabsorption is severe and, if untreated, can lead to irreversible systemic features that affect the eyes (see Ophthalmologic in this section), nervous system (see Neuromuscular in this section), and bones (decreased bone mineral density).
Hepatomegaly and steatosis may develop in late childhood in some affected individuals.
Endoscopic findings. On a typical diet (i.e., no dietary restriction) the duodenal mucosa may have a gelée blanche ("white hoar frosting") appearance on endoscopy. Histologic evaluation demonstrates vacuolization of enterocytes in intestinal villi of normal structure.
Hematologic finding are uncommon.
Mild acanthocytosis, defined as irregularly speculated erythrocytes, has only rarely been reported.
Prolonged international normalized ratio due to vitamin K deficiency may occur.
Ophthalmologic. Unlike individuals with abetalipoproteinemia and APOB-related familial hypobetalipoproteinemia (see Differential Diagnosis), individuals with CMRD do not typically develop pigmentary retinopathy. Ophthalmologic manifestations are generally mild but may include:
Neuromuscular. If untreated, neuromuscular abnormalities secondary to the deficiency of vitamin E typically begin in the first or second decade of life and include:
Progressive loss of deep tendon reflexes, vibratory sense, and proprioception;
Electromyographic abnormalities;
Muscle pain and cramps.
Ataxia, myopathy, and sensory neuropathy may be seen in adults. The neuromuscular manifestations can be arrested (but not reversed) with vitamin supplementation, and can be averted altogether with early diagnosis and treatment.
Cardiac. Cardiomyopathy with decreased ejection fraction has only rarely been described in adults; the prevalence of this finding is unknown [Silvain et al 2008]. Cardiomyopathy was not a feature before age 23.5 years in a Canadian cohort, with normal echocardiography reported [Peretti et al 2010]. Neither the underlying pathogenesis nor possible response to treatment of cardiomyopathy in this condition is well understood.
Endocrinologic. Poor bone mineralization and bone maturation, likely due to a combination of malabsorption, malnutrition, and vitamin D deficiency, can be seen. When commenced early, vitamin D therapy has been shown to prevent osteoporosis [Peretti et al 2010].
Prognosis. Early diagnosis combined with appropriate lifelong vitamin supplementation help prevent the neurologic and retinal manifestations of CMRD with favorable long-term prognosis.