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National Guideline Centre (UK). Suspected neurological conditions: recognition and referral. London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2019 May. (NICE Guideline, No. 127.)

Cover of Suspected neurological conditions

Suspected neurological conditions: recognition and referral.

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Mikaela BartlettDocument Editor/Process Assistant (until July 2016)
Jill CobbInformation Specialist (from January 2017)
Francesca FasesinResearch Fellow (from July 2016 until September 2016)
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Andreas FreitagSenior Research Fellow (from November 2016 until December 2016)
Saoussen FtouhSenior Research Fellow
Yee Yen GohClinical Trainee (from May 2016)
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Joseph RuniclesInformation Specialist Assistant
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Copyright © NICE May 2019.
Bookshelf ID: NBK542059


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