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Guidelines for Diagnosing and Managing Disseminated Histoplasmosis among People Living with HIV [Internet]. Washington (DC): Pan American Health Organization; 2020 Apr.

Cover of Guidelines for Diagnosing and Managing Disseminated Histoplasmosis among People Living with HIV

Guidelines for Diagnosing and Managing Disseminated Histoplasmosis among People Living with HIV [Internet].

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IMMY/Clarus Histoplasma GM Enzyme Immunoassay (Ref. HGM201)

Commercial: CE label. Detection of antigens in urine.

Research use only in the United States. United States Food and Drug Administration clearance underway.


MiraVista/Polyclonal Ab ELISA

(CPT code: 87385)

In-house: Indianapolis, IN, USA. Detection of antigens in urine, sera, and other body fluids. In the process of commercialization.



HOLOGIC/AccuProbe Histoplasma capsulatum culture identification test

(Ref. 102910)

In situ hybridization assay for identification of H. capsulatum isolated from culture


(Ref. 50C7)

Commercial: Lysis centrifugation system https://www​.alere.com​/en/home/product-details​/isolator-10ml-microbial-tubes.html
BD/BACTEC™ Myco/F Lytic (Ref. 442288) Commercial: CE label. Lysis system, automatic incubation system http://legacy​.bd.com​/ds/technicalCenter/inserts​/PP162JAA(05).pdf

IMMY/Immunodiffusion Fungal Antibody Test Kit

(Ref. ID1001)

Commercial: CE label


Meridian/Immunodiffusion reagents

(Ref: 100201 and 100601)

Commercial: approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration


IMMY/Complement Fixation Reagents

(Ref. H10150, H20110, H30150 and H40110)

Commercial: CE and in vitro diagnostic label


IMMY. LA-Histoplasma

(Ref. HL1001)

Commercial: approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration and CE label. https://www​.immy.com/latex
Gibson Bioscience. Fungal serology.

Commercial: The ATCC Licensed Derivative Emblem.


© Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization, 2020.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK587196


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