This guideline provides global, evidence-based recommendations on the use of safety-engineered injection devices to prevent the re-use of syringes and/or prevent needle-stick injuries in health care workers (HCWs). The ultimate aim is to make injection practices safer for patients and HCWs, and to prevent the injection-related transmission of deadly viruses, particularly HIV, hepatitis C and hepatitis B.
The procedures covered are intramuscular (IM), intradermal (ID) and subcutaneous (SC) injections, including the syringes needed for the reconstitution of medication or vaccines when required.
Other procedures, such as intravenous injections and infusions, blood collection for laboratory testing, and capillary blood sampling, will be covered by another guideline to be issued separately by WHO.
The policy recommendation aims to support Member States (MS) and development partners in making informed decisions on the appropriateness of introducing safety-engineered syringes for all injections in health care settings.
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