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WHO Consolidated Guideline on Self-Care Interventions for Health: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019.

Cover of WHO Consolidated Guideline on Self-Care Interventions for Health

WHO Consolidated Guideline on Self-Care Interventions for Health: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.

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ANNEX 5Summary of Declarations of Interest (DOI) from the Guideline Development Group (GDG) Members and how they were Managed

Dr Kaosar AfsanaResearch, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR)None declaredNot applicable
Dr Pascale AlloteyHealth systems, SRHR, genderNone declaredNot applicable
Dr Elham AtallaSexual health, policyNone declaredNot applicable
Prof. Elizabeth BukusiResearch, ethics, SRHRNone declaredNot applicable
Dr Laura FergusonHuman rights, lawNone declaredNot applicable
Dr Patricia J. GarciaHuman papillomavirus (HPV), sexually transmitted infections (STIs), women’s health, policyNone declaredNot applicable
Dr Anita HardonSRHR, social science and implementation researchNone declaredNot applicable
Mr Jonathan HopkinsIntegrated SRHR and HIV health services, homeless populationsNone declaredNot applicable
Mr Denis KibiraSocial accountability, vulnerable populations, pharmaceutical policyNone declaredNot applicable
Dr Carmen LogieKey populations, social science, HIV, STIsNone declaredNot applicable
Dr Patricia MechaelDigital health technologies, policyNone declaredNot applicable
Dr Kevin MoodyPharmacy, education, key populations, patient groups, HIVNone declaredNot applicable
Ms Daniella K. MunenePharmacy, programme managerNone declaredNot applicable
Prof. Ashraf NabhanResearch, obstetrics/gynaecology, women’s healthNone declaredNot applicable
Ms Zelda Nompumelelo NhlabatsiPolicy, family planning, maternal healthNone declaredNot applicable
Prof. Gina OgilvieSTIs, HIV, HPV, researchNone declaredNot applicable
Dr Ash PachauriClimate change, environmental and planetary health, abortion, women’s health, vulnerable populations, youthNone declaredNot applicable
Dr Michelle RemmeHealth financing, SRHR, gender-based violenceNone declaredNot applicable
Dr Iqbal H. ShahAbortion, SRHR, social science researchNone declaredNot applicable
Dr Jaya Lakshmi ShreedharAdvocacy, communications, journalism, tuberculosis and communicable diseases, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs)None declaredNot applicable
Dr Viroj TangcharoensathienHealth policy, key populations, health systemsNone declaredNot applicable
Dr Tarek TurkYouth, medicine, STIs, humanitarian settingNone declaredNot applicable
Dr Sheryl van der PoelInfertility, research, normative guidanceContributed to systematic reviewRecused from discussion of recommendations around this topic
Dr Batool WahdaniYouth, medicine, family planningNone declaredNot applicable
Dr Allen Zhiwei WuSTIs, HPV, education, research, policyNone declaredNot applicable
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Bookshelf ID: NBK544158


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