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Guidelines for the management of symptomatic sexually transmitted infections [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021 Jun.

Cover of Guidelines for the management of symptomatic sexually transmitted infections

Guidelines for the management of symptomatic sexually transmitted infections [Internet].

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STI Guideline Development Group members

Name1. Employment and consulting2. Research support3. Investment interests4. Intellectual property5. Public statements and positions6. Tobacco productsConflicts and management plana
Ilya Abellanosa-Tacan (Cebu City, Philippines)000000Full participation
Laith Abu-Raddad (Weill Cornell Medical College, Qatar)000000Full participation
Yaw Adu-Sarkodie (Sax) (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana)000000Full participation
Chris Akolo (FHI 360, Washington, DC, USA)000000Full participation
Andrew Amato (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control)000000Full participation
Mircea Betiu (Nicolae Testemițanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Republic of Moldova)000000Full participation
John Changalucha (National Institute for Medical Research, United Republic of Tanzania)000000Full participation
Xiang-Sheng Chen (National Center for STD Control of Chinese CDC and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Institute of Dermatology, Nanjing, China)000000Full participation
Amina El Kettani (Ministry of Health, Morocco)000000Full participation
Patricia Garcia (Ministry of Health, Peru)000000Full participation
William M. Geisler (University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA)Ceased in 2018: consulting and travel from Hologic Inc, = US$ 9000; from Roche = US$ 10,0000000Declare. None are active. Full participation
Edward W. Hook III (University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA)Adviser to GARDP (Global AMR Research and Development Partnership, not for profit organization established by WHO and DNDI) = US$ 12 00000000Full participation
Rossaphorn Kittyaowamarn (Ministry of Public Health, Thailand)000000Full participation
Jeffrey D. Klausner (UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine and Fielding School of Public Health, Los Angeles, CA, USA)Scientific advisory board participant, Danaher Diagnostics, parent company of Cepheid = US$ 6000

United States National Institutes of Health

R01 and R21 research awards related to syphilis, gonorrhoea, STIs in pregnant women (US$ 5 million over multiple years)

0000Declare and allowed partial participation
Ranmini Kularatne (National Institute for Communicable Diseases, Johannesburg, South Africa)000000Full participation
David Lewis (University of Sydney, Australia)AUD 780 from GSK (attending a meeting)00000Finance not significant, full participation.
Nicola Low (Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, Berne, Switzerland)000000Full participation
Philippe Mayaud (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom)000000Full participation
Daniel McCartney (International Planned Parenthood Federation, United Kingdom)000000Full participation
Nelly Mugo (Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya)000000Full participation
Saiqa Mullick (Population Council, South Africa)000000Full participation
Francis Ndowa (Harare, Zimbabwe)000000Full participation
Kees Rietmeijer (Denver Public Health Department, CO, USA)000000Full participation
Pachara Sirivongrangson (Ministry of Public Health, Thailand)Consulting work for GARDP = US$ 10 00000000Full participation
Katayoun Tayeri (Ministry of Health, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran)000000Full participation
Magnus Unemo (Örebro University Hospital, Sweden)000000Full participation
Noor Mohamed Usman (Chennai, India)000000Full participation
Ann Natalia Umar (Ministry of Health, Indonesia)000000Full participation
Bea Vuylsteke (Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium)000000Full participation
Judith Wasserheit (University of Washington, USA)000000Full participation
Laura Bachmannn (United States Centres for Disease Control snd Prevention)0000United States Government employee0Nil
Cecilia Ferreyra (FIND)000000Nil
Tim Sladden (UNFPA)000000Nil

Of the financial declarations made, none was considered to be related to the subject matter of these guidelines since formulating recommendations related to the use of antiretroviral drugs was not within the scope of these guidelines.

External Review Group members

Name1. Employment and consulting2. Research support3. Investment interests4. Intellectual property5. Public statements and positions6. Tobacco productsConflicts and management plana
Anupong Chitwarakorn (Silom Clinic, Thailand)000000Full participation
H.J.C. de Vries (Amsterdam, Netherlands)000000Full participation
Hans Benjamin Hampel (University of Zurich, Switzerland)000000Full participation
Monica Lahra (New South Wales, Australia)000000Full participation
Ahmed Latif (Public Health Consultant, Australia)000000Full participation
Ioannis Mameletzis (Consultant, Ukraine)000000Full participation
Angelica Espinosa Miranda (Ministry of Health, Brazil)000000Full participation
Koleka Mlisana (University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa)000000Full participation
Lori Newman (National Institutes of Health, Washington DC, USA)0000United States Government employee.0Full participation
Catherine Ngugui (Ministry of Health, Kenya)000000Full participation
Lilani Rajapaksa (National STD AIDS Control Programme, Sri Lanka)000000Full participation
Reshmie Ramautarsing (Bangkok, Thailand)000000Full participation
Danvic Rosadiño (Mandaluyong City, Philippines)000000Full participation
Janet Wilson (IUSTI, Leeds, United Kingdom)000000Full participation
© World Health Organization 2021.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK572655


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