This web annex contains a summary of the benefits and harms for each intervention, by comparator and by age sub-group, for each intervention. Evidence to inform the judgements for each of the EtD domains is also included, where relevant to the intervention. Evidence related to EtD domains that is generic in nature (i.e. not related specifically to the intervention) is summarized in the guideline document, Section 4.2.
An overall summary of EtD judgements made by the GDG is provided, along with the GRADE Evidence Profile Tables.
A.1. Structured and standardized education/advice (PDF, 553K)
B.1. Structured exercise therapies or programmes (PDF, 880K)
B.2. Needling therapies (traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture and other dry needling modalities) (PDF, 1.3M)
B.3. Spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) (PDF, 666K)
B.4. Massage (PDF, 442K)
B.5. Traction (PDF, 335K)
B.6. Therapeutic ultrasound (PDF, 438K)
B.7. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) (PDF, 546K)
B.8. Assistive products: lumbar braces, belts and/or supports and mobility assistive products (PDF, 331K)
C.1. Operant therapy (PDF, 369K)
C.2. Respondent therapy (PDF, 461K)
C.3. Cognitive therapy (PDF, 377K)
C.4. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) (PDF, 537K)
C.5. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) therapy (PDF, 350K)
D.1. Systemic pharmacotherapies (PDF, 1002K)
D.2. Cannabis-related pharmaceutical preparations for therapeutic use (PDF, 144K)
D.3. Injectable local anaesthetics (PDF, 346K)
D.4. Herbal medicines (PDF, 472K)
E.1. Weight management (PDF, 468K)
E.2. Multicomponent biopsychosocial care (PDF, 491K)
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NLM Citation
WHO guideline for non-surgical management of chronic primary low back pain in adults in primary and community care settings [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2023. Web Annex D, Evidence-to-decision summaries.