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Standards and recommendations for burns care in mass casualty incidents [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2024.

Cover of Standards and recommendations for burns care in mass casualty incidents

Standards and recommendations for burns care in mass casualty incidents [Internet].

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Chapter 2Methods

The Technical Working Group (TWG) on Burns (2017–2019) conducted broad literature searches using key themes, including published and grey literature. Clinicians and experts from the global EMT community convened a TWG in 2017 to draft initial recommendations based on experiential practice and literature. Expert opinion played a major role in drafting recommendations. A draft document was circulated to the TWG and a survey subsequently circulated to the wider EMT community with a request to agree, partially agree or disagree with each recommendation, with space for comments. A second TWG meeting was convened in 2018 to review the updated document and attain consensus on survey results and comments. Another survey was sent to the EMT community and international burns organizations. A third TWG meeting was convened later in 2018 and the document updated.

Following both the development of a final draft of the TWG on Burns document from 2017–2019, and routine WHO Quality Assurance, Norms and Standards procedures for development of WHO normative products (13), an external review of the final document was sought. Given newer global experiences in mass burn incidents and the recommendation to review new evidence under guidance of WHO headquarters, Science Division, Quality Norms and Standards Department, the external review group was expanded to a TWG. The TWG met virtually from 2021–2023 and updated technical standards on a shared document. This group evolved to become a guideline development group as it also sought to develop clinical recommendations.

The Guideline Development Group (GDG) 2023 followed the established standards and methods for the generation of trustworthy WHO guidelines as outlined in the WHO Handbook for Guideline Development, 2nd Edition (12), and Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) methodology (14). This approach can be summarized as: development and convening of a WHO steering group; a GDG; an external review group and a systematic review team, including methodologists; identifying and managing conflicts of interest; formulating clinical questions; selecting and rating key outcomes (conducted by online survey); formulating values and preferences; conducting systematic reviews and evidence assessment; and developing and writing recommendations using the GRADE approach.

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