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Standards and recommendations for burns care in mass casualty incidents [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2024.

Cover of Standards and recommendations for burns care in mass casualty incidents

Standards and recommendations for burns care in mass casualty incidents [Internet].

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WHO EMT Technical Working Group Burns (2017–2019):

Roger Alcock, Calin Alexandru, Nikki Allorto, Stian Kreken Almeland, Amanda Baumgartner, Margaret Brennan, Delphine Chedorge, Resa Crestani, Janecke Dyvi, Merete Ellefsen, Josef Haik, Minoru Hayashi, Amy Hughes, Khaled Mansour, Emily McMullen, Jody Anne Mills, Ravi Prakash Narayan, Richard E. Nnabuko, Ian Norton, Takayuki Ogura, Nelson Olim, Tom Potokar, Mike Roriz, Anne Constance Sartiaux, Opoku Ware Ampomah, Remy Zilliox

WHO Steering Group Members (2023):

John Appiah, Latifa Arfaoui, Ep Assidi, Thierno Balde, Sean Casey, Jorge Durand, Luis de la Fuente, Sabri Gmach, Kai-Hsun Hsiao, Camila Philbert Lajolo, Sophie Laroche, Jan Erik Larsen, Katherine Littler, Nelson Olim, Jerry Jonas Mbasha, Lazaro Martinez, John Prawira, Andreas Alois Reis, Pryanka Relan, Kris Ronsin, Jamie Rylance, Flavio Salio, Andre Sanz, Pete Skelton, Oleg Storozhenko, Nadine Vahedi, Lee Wallis

WHO EMT Technical Working Group Burns (2020–2023):

Mohana Amirtharajah, Mercy Ama Amuah Agtuahene, Yodit Assefa, Pauline Convocar, Mansour Fall, Sheona Grant, Omar Hussein, Alberta Rockson, Mark Sherlock, Rojina Shilpkar, Ziphilly Sichinga, Barclay Stewart, Stuart Watson, Richard Wong

Guideline Development Group (GDG) Members (2023):

Mercy Ama Amuah Agtuahene, Pauline Convocar, Heike Geduld, Minoru Hayashi, Omar Hussein, Tom Potokar, Alberta Rockson, Richard Wong She, Rojina Shilpkar, Ziphilly Sichinga, Barclay Stewart, Stuart Watson

GDG Methodologist: Srinivas Murthy

GDG Clinical Chair: Stuart Watson

GDG Observers: Daniel Cuetos, Joanna Drogowska, Amy Hughes

Special thanks to the following collaborators for systematic reviews for the fluid management section: Kai-Hsun Hsiao, Joseph Kalanzi, Kavita Kothari, Ani Movsisyan

Special thanks to external reviewers (2023): Members of the EMT Strategic Advisory Group

Funding: Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations

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Bookshelf ID: NBK609538


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