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Standards and recommendations for burns care in mass casualty incidents [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2024.

Cover of Standards and recommendations for burns care in mass casualty incidents

Standards and recommendations for burns care in mass casualty incidents [Internet].

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In the face of emerging challenges, the global health community continually strives to fortify its response mechanisms. The unrelenting threat of infectious diseases, climate-related disasters and conflicts, as evidenced by events such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and conflicts, underscores the urgency of establishing resilient health emergency preparedness and response systems. The lessons gleaned from these crises must serve as the foundation for comprehensive guidelines aimed at strengthening both local and global capacities.

Just as Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) and the EMT Initiative have played pivotal roles in responding to climate-related disasters and infectious disease outbreaks, their expertise is indispensable in addressing the complexities that arise from mass casualty incidents (MCIs), particularly those involving burns. This publication embodies the collective knowledge and experience of the EMT network and its partners and endeavours to establish universal quality standards and recommendations, providing medical teams with a framework to rapidly and effectively respond to burns care in MCIs.

Drawing inspiration from successes in addressing climate-related disasters and highly infectious disease outbreaks, this initiative emphasizes the importance of robust national capacities. Countries are urged to swiftly scale up their deployable surge capacities and expertise, thus fostering a foundation for self-sufficiency. The Emergency Medical Team Initiative, through collaboration and coordination, facilitates the development of trusted partnerships and interoperable surge capacities on a global scale.

By offering a set of common quality standards and protocols, this publication lays the groundwork for enhanced interoperability among national, regional and international capacities and aspires to create a shared language and approach across diverse disciplines to further develop a comprehensive and coordinated response to burn care in MCIs. In doing so, it champions the mission of saving lives, alleviating suffering and protecting the most vulnerable during times of crisis. This publication marks a significant stride towards building resilient health-care systems that can effectively navigate the challenges presented by MCIs, ensuring a world better prepared to face the unexpected.

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Dr Nedret Emiroglu
Country Readiness Strengthening Department
WHO Health Emergencies Programme
© World Health Organization 2024.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK609537


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