A5.1. Assessment of the quality of the evidence
The assessment of the quality of evidence was based on the following:
Grading of recommendations assessment, development and evaluation (GEPHI) assessment of evidence for impacts of interventions on specific disease outcomes (population, intervention, comparator, outcome ( PICO-1))
GEPHI assessment of evidence for intervention impacts on kitchen average fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and carbon monoxide CO
Assessment of evidence compiled in the integrated exposure-response (IER) functions
Assessment of evidence on population levels of household air pollution (HAP) and personal exposure.
Assessment of evidence on factors influencing adoption and sustained use of solid fuel interventions and clean fuels.
This was followed by an assessment of the consistency of evidence across the causal chain.
A5.1.1. GEPHI assessment of evidence for estimates of impacts of interventions on specific disease outcomes: PICO question 1
For full details of the systematic reviews and GEPHI assessment including scores for importance of outcomes and for grading in tables, please refer to Review 4: Health impacts of HAP available at: http://www.who.int/indoorair/guidelines/hhfc
Non-fatal acute lower respiratory infection (ALRI). Importance of outcome: Important (6)
Severe ALRI. Importance of outcome: Critical (9)
Fatal ALRI. Importance of outcome: Critical (9)
Low birth weight. Importance of outcome: Important (6)
Stillbirth. Importance of outcome: Critical (9)
Stunting (all observational designs). Importance of outcome: Important (6)
All cause child mortality. Importance of outcome: Critical (9)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Importance of outcome: Important (6)
Lung cancer with exposure to household coal use. Importance of outcome: Important (9)
Lung cancer with exposure to household biomass use.
Cataract with exposure to household solid fuel use. Importance of outcome: Important (9)
A5.1.2. GEPHI assessment of the evidence for estimates of impacts of interventions on kitchen concentrations of PM2.5 and CO: PICO question 2
For full details of systematic review and GEPHI assessment, please refer to Review 6: Intervention impacts available at: http://www.who.int/indoorair/guidelines/hhfc
Solid fuel stoves with chimneys: kitchen PM2.5.
Solid fuel stoves with chimneys: kitchen CO.
Solid fuel stoves without chimneys: kitchen PM2.5.
Solid fuel stoves without chimneys: kitchen CO.
Advanced combustion solid fuel stoves: kitchen PM2.5.
Advanced combustion solid fuel stoves: kitchen CO.
A5.1.3. Assessment of quality of the evidence for Integrated exposure-response (IER) functions
Given the very limited amount of directly measured exposure-response evidence and the nature of the IER models, it was not appropriate to apply GEPHI assessment. However, it was considered that GRADE domains are a useful guide for assessing the strength of this body of evidence, including possible implications of the assumptions, and its suitability for developing recommendations. In doing this, a generic assessment of the evidence from the IER models was made, (see ), followed by more specific discussion of the evidence available for child ALRI and other quality issues for ischaemic heart disease (IHD)/stroke and COPD.
Generic issues relating to the IER functions.
ALRI: As noted above, child ALRI has the most direct exposure-response data for HAP, and is a very important outcome in a vulnerable population group. Consequently, there is a good case for giving this outcome special attention when considering recommendations. In addition to the generic issues concerning quality of this evidence, there are a number of specific issues regarding the strength of evidence for the ALRI IER function. As there are no estimates from active smoking, the upper bound of the curve is dependent on HAP, which is derived from a single study. On the other hand, a strong aspect of this evidence is that the HAP data points are based on direct individual subject (child) exposure measurement, which is not available for any other source or outcome in the IERs. Some additional uncertainty arises from the possibility that the epidemiology of ALRI may differ between AAP and second-hand smoke results (all developed countries) and HAP (developing countries, also high altitude).
The consistency of the IER function with the systematic review and meta-analysis of child ALRI (reported in Section 3 of Review 4) can also be assessed. That review provided a pooled odds ratio (OR) of 0.63 (95% CI: 0.53, 0.75) for all ALRI. The exposure contrast was estimated to be around 300 μg/m3 PM2.5 for the exposed groups which used traditional solid fuel fires and stoves and around 50–75 μg/m3 PM2.5, for the ‘unexposed’ groups. This is consistent with what has been measured in studies of clean fuel users in developing country settings (see Reviews 5 and 6). The IER function predicts an increase in relative risk (RR) from around 1.7 to 2.9 as exposure increases from 50–75 to 300 μg/m3 PM2.5, with a ratio of relative risks 0.59. This indicates a good level of consistency between the IER and the available epidemiological evidence on solid fuel use and ALRI risk.
IHD/stroke: For IHD/stroke, two studies are described in Review 4. One was unadjusted and hence not useful for comparison. The other reported ORs of 2.58 (95% CI: 1.53, 4.32) for cardiovascuar disease (CVD) and 1.60 (0.80, 3.21) for stroke, when comparing ever use of solid fuels (coal, biomass) for cooking and/or heating with never use. Although actual long-term average exposures in these groups are not known, the CVD estimate appears somewhat high compared to the HAP range of the IER model (although within the 95% confidence intervals). The stroke estimate is more consistent.
COPD: The relatively poor fit of the HAP estimates for COPD may be due to exposure beginning very early in life (in utero), compared to late teenage years or early adulthood for smoking. Thus, risk could be expected to be higher for a given level of exposure due to longer duration, and possibly exposure during critical periods of life and lung development.
Direct, quantified evidence on exposure-response relationships is limited to two studies for one outcome (child ALRI), and these two sets of data could not easily be combined. Some exposure-response evidence is available for other outcomes, provided in Review 4. While this is useful for establishing causation, it is not quantified in terms of exposure. The IERs are a relatively new approach and have some important assumptions, but are mostly based on an extensive and broad evidence base. That developed for child ALRI is based on the only directly assessed individual exposure data, and shows consistency between the IER and pooled estimate for the predominantly observational epidemiological studies available.
Overall, the IER evidence was assessed as being of moderate quality.
A5.1.4. Assessment of evidence on population levels of HAP and personal exposure
The evidence compiled in this systematic review (Review 5) was intended to provide comprehensive descriptive information on average levels of HAP and exposure for population groups using traditional solid fuels, improved solid fuel stoves, and clean fuels. The impacts of interventions reported by studies (including observational studies of intervention projects and programmes) are reviewed separately (see Review 6). Meta-analysis was not carried out, although pooled values for pollutant concentrations were calculated using weighted averages. GRADE domains have been used as a guide for assessing the quality of the evidence.
All studies included were cross-sectional. The inclusion criteria covered: provision of adequate detail on sampling criteria, sampling methods (including specification of sampling devices, flow rates, calibration procedures etc.), analytical methods (including specification of analytical instrumentation, sensitivity and, wherever applicable, specificity of method), calibration standards and corrections for measurement errors (such as co-locating or calibrating against gravimetric samplers for light-scattering devices used for measuring PM).
Risk of bias
As the inclusion criteria for this review covered those aspects of study design and conduct that may bias results, the risk of bias was judged to be low. In order to provide comparable average levels of PM and CO, only those studies reporting 24-hour or 48-hour measurements were included. As studies have variously measured PM2.5, PM4 and PM10, results for these different particle size cut-offs were reported (and averaged) separately.
No formal assessment of statistical heterogeneity was made. It was expected that household and personal exposure levels would vary greatly due to the variability in household energy use, housing type, seasonal factors, etc. The pattern of variability was, however, generally not suggestive of unreliable results, as values for homes using traditional stoves and solid fuels reported high (albeit variable) levels of PM and CO, and did not have unusually low values. Some of the studies of homes using clean fuels found levels higher than might be expected on the basis of emission rates, but these could be explained by multiple stove/fuel use in the study homes, and emissions from neighbours and other external sources of combustion.
The precision of estimates varied considerably by type of stove and fuel, by outcome (pollutant) measure, and level of aggregation. Precision of global results is considered here, but are lower for the regionally-stratified results also reported by the systematic review. For area kitchen levels with traditional solid fuel stoves, there were almost 20 studies with more than 600 subjects for PM2.5 and larger numbers for CO. Adequate precision was also available for area kitchen levels with improved solid fuel stoves, and for personal exposure measurements of both PM and CO with solid fuel use among both women and children.
There was less precision (due to lower subject numbers) in studies measuring kitchen area concentrations when clean fuels were used. Three studies (56 subjects) measured PM and only one study (9 subjects) measured CO. No personal PM or CO exposure data were available for clean fuels. All of the weighted average pooled estimates are provided with standard deviations.
Publication bias
This was not formally assessed due to the large variability expected between studies from different regions. It is possible that some unpublished studies have not been included.
This assessment found that the evidence for the majority of area and personal exposure for PM and CO was of moderate quality, but precision was limited (principally by small numbers of studies and subjects) for homes using clean fuels.
A5.1.5. Assessment of quality of the evidence on factors influencing the adoption and sustained use of improved solid fuel stoves and clean fuels
This evidence was based on a synthesis of quantitative, qualitative and policy studies and case studies (Review 7). It was not appropriate to use the GEPHI assessment tables to evaluate its quality so GRADE domains were used as a guide for making that assessment.
Study design
The available evidence was drawn from a wide range of study designs, namely randomized trials, before-and-after studies, cross-sectional surveys, economic and survival analyses, in-depth and semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions and several mixed-methods studies. While the studies were not always designed primarily to answer questions about adoption (e.g. some of the health studies), the majority were, and the designs used were generally appropriate for the purpose, with the caveat of a lack of longer-term prospective studies of sustained adoption. The extent to which findings from these different study designs are consistent is considered below.
Risk of bias
Quality assessments were conducted according to established criteria for each study design (described in full in Review 7). Some quantitative studies used sampling that may not have been representative, and some used only simple descriptive (unadjusted) analyses, but were considered of high internal validity. It was not possible to perform a formal assessment of risk of bias for the qualitative or case studies, but there was reasonable coherence of findings across study designs, discussed further below. The sensitivity analyses carried out with, and without, the studies assessed to be of low quality found this did not affect the findings. This assessment supported the conclusion that there was no serious risk of bias.
All the studies included were required to provide direct evidence on adoption and/or sustained use of improved solid fuel stoves or use of one of the four clean fuels included in the review (LPG, alcohol fuels, biogas, solar cookers).
It was not possible to use measures of statistical heterogeneity to assess this body of evidence. However, an indirect assessment was made, based on evidence reported during the data extraction and synthesis process. Studies which were out of line with the majority of studies were noted in the initial synthesis stage. An assessment of the records and the overall synthesis based on combined study designs showed that inconsistency among studies of similar interventions in comparable settings was uncommon. It was concluded that inconsistency was not a major issue.
Imprecision reflects subject and event numbers. For quantitative studies, the individual sample sizes and their representativeness were summarized, with 19 out of 22 studies having a sample size of 200 or more individuals (including surveys of more than 1000 individuals). Assessment of an overall pooled effect was not appropriate due to the different interventions and outcomes. For qualitative evidence, sample size is less relevant, as meaningful information can be obtained from a smaller number of study participants. For case and policy studies, it was possible to assess precision of some elements of the data used (e.g. quantitative components of studies) when this information was reported. Some of the case studies made use of cross-sectional or longitudinal surveys; 17 such studies had sample sizes of 200 or more individuals.
Publication bias
This cannot be assessed in the formal way used for quantitative systematic reviews-using funnel plots and statistical tests – but publication bias may never theless be present. While it was difficult determine whether there was a bias towards not publishing unsuccessful programmes, there were multiple examples of projects and programmes with mixed experience of adoption and sustained use. A related form of publication bias may arise from non-peer-reviewed (and to a lesser extent also from peer-reviewed) reports published by authors who have managed or were otherwise very close to the implementation process. Only one fifth of the studies included were peer-reviewed, with the rest being research reports, dissertations, conference proceedings and book chapters. About 12 of the 101 studies included seem likely to have been written and/or published by authors closely associated with the implementing programme or agency. It was reassuring to find no marked differences in findings between these two groups of publications, other than case studies (which were less likely to be peer-reviewed) usually focusing on a wider spectrum of factors influencing uptake and including the domains concerned with regulation, certification and institutional arrangements.
Consistency of evidence
One of the additional criteria proposed with GEPHI was recognition of similar findings among studies conducted using different designs, and across multiple settings. This appears to be a feature of this set of studies. Different forms of consistency were considered as follows:
Consistency of evidence across different study designs: findings supported by more than one study type are likely to be more valid or of greater relevance than findings supported by a single design or paradigm. This is one of the strengths of this evidence base, although in terms of consistency it is weaker for some of the clean fuels (in particular alcohol fuels) due to the limited available evidence.
Consistency of evidence across different settings: findings supported by studies using very distinct interventions, settings, socioeconomic and cultural contexts are likely to be more valid or of greater relevance than findings supported by studies from one or a few settings. Studies were identified across Africa, Asia and Latin America which is an additional point of strength of this evidence base.
Other GRADE criteria
There are other GRADE criteria which could not be considered in the assessment of this set of studies. While a large effect can lead to upgrading, this was not relevant as too few (quantitative) studies have provided comparable effect estimates and no attempt to pool such effects was made. Plausible confounding can weaken observed effects and, if present, potentially lead to upgrading, but this was not consistently assessed across studies and could not be evaluated. Finally, investigation of an exposure-response relationship was not supported by data, and could not be considered.
Assessment of this set of evidence suggests that it provides a consistent and moderately strong basis for drawing conclusions about the design and delivery of programmes to ensure more effective adoption and use of improved solid fuel stoves and cleaner fuels. Among clean fuels, the evidence for alcohol fuels and to a lesser degree that for solar cooking, is weaker. It is also notable that no studies of adoption of newer improved solid fuel stove technologies (i.e. advanced combustion fan-stoves) were available.
Overall, the evidence on factors influencing adoption was assessed as being of moderate quality.
A5.2. Synthesis of the evidence
In the discussion of evidence review methods (see guidelines, Section 2.2.3), the value of taking an overview of the varied types of evidence informing the recommendations, and which contribute to the causal chain was described. The causal chain diagram is reproduced below for reference (). Here we assess the degree of consistency among some of the key findings from the evidence reviews, and identify any less coherent aspects that indicate where research and policy attention should be focused.
Causal chain relating household energy technology, fuel and other interventions to health and safety outcomes via intermediate links.
A5.2.1. Consistency of HAP levels from emissions model and field measurements
The emissions model (Review 3), which forms the key evidence base for Recommendation 1, allows linkage between emission rates from combustion devices and predicted levels of HAP (PM2.5 and CO) in the kitchen (or the room where the device is used).
This component of the evidence contributes to Pathway B in the causal chain, relating emission rates to ambient levels of pollutants in the kitchen. Comparison can be made between the levels of kitchen PM2.5 and CO predicted by the model for different types of device or fuel, and those observed in the reviews of (i) population levels of HAP and exposure (Review 5), and (ii) the impacts of interventions on HAP and personal exposure (see Review 6). These two reviews both provide separate but complementary evidence for pathways D(a) and D(b).
In part, this is a means of validating the model, but an understanding of any discrepancies can help identify why, for example, the predicted level of performance of a device/fuel is not being realized in everyday use.
(reproduced from Review 3, describing the emissions model) shows predicted distributions of PM2.5 and CO for the traditional Chula (an open traditional stove); a standard rocket-type of biomass stove (a widely used type of stove with improved combustion, but without forced draught) and for LPG. The distributions shown are based on both laboratory and field (in-home) emissions performance data.
distributions of modelled 24-hour PM2.5 and CO concentrations for India (Source: Review 3).
Traditional chulha
For the traditional chulha over 60% of the distribution for the modelled 24-hour PM2.5 concentrations was between 500 and 1800 μg/m3 with a mode of 800 μg/m3. This is very similar to the kitchen concentrations reported by studies in the WHO South-East Asia region (826 ± 1038 μg/m3) and globally for solid fuel users (972 ± 876 μg/m3) (see Review 5).
Rocket stove
Modelled 24-hour PM2.5 concentrations derived from field-based emissions rates of the rocket stove (which should be more comparable to observed levels of air pollution than laboratory-based rates), had a mode of around 500 μg/m3, a reduction of around 300 μg/m3, or nearly 40% compared to the traditional chulha. CO emissions were reduced from a mode of around 11 mg/m3 to 5 mg/m3, or by around 55%; this concentration of CO for the rocket stove (5 mg/m3) lies below the WHO 24-hour AQG.
The review of intervention impacts (see Review 6) found that this type of stove reduced PM2.5 by an average of 260 μg/m3 and CO by 3.41 ppm (3.9 mg/m3), with weighted mean percentage reductions of 48% and 39% respectively, and post-intervention means of 410 μg/m3 and 6.6 ppm (7.6 mg/m3) respectively. Given the variability in data, devices, fuel used and other factors, these results can be considered consistent. Although the post-intervention CO mean is slightly above the WHO 24-hour AQG, this distribution is positively skewed, and the majority of studies found values below this guideline value.
LP Gas
The model predicts that almost all LPG-using homes would have concentrations of PM2.5 below the WHO interim target (IT-1) value of 35 μg/m3, and CO levels below 1 mg/m3. The review of population-based studies (see Review 5) found levels of PM2.5 in gas (and other clean fuel-using homes) to be mainly in the range 35–80 μg/m3, with some above 100 μg/m3. Equivalent CO data were not reported. The review of intervention impacts (see Review 6) found few studies of clean fuels (one for LPG, four for ethanol): reductions for PM2.5 were between 60% and 80% with post-intervention mean PM2.5 levels between 120 and 280 μg/m3. For CO, reductions were very similar in percentage terms, with post-intervention means between 2.7 and 5.9 ppm (3.1 and 6.6 mg/m3).
Even allowing for variability and differing circumstances, it is clear that the measured levels of PM and CO in homes using clean fuels are much higher than predicted. This does not undermine the model, but points towards other explanations. These include continued use of the traditional stove (even in stove/fuel evaluation studies), along with the new one (known as stacking), other emission sources in and around the home (kerosene lamps, waste burning), and external sources such as fuel combustion from other homes and other sources of combustion contributing to outdoor air pollution entering all homes. The review of population studies (see Review 5) found that average outdoor PM2.5 concentration in the vicinity of solid-fuel using homes was 106 (SD = 79) μg/m3. Most of these studies were conducted in rural areas. Clearly, if ambient pollution levels are this high, it will not be possible for homes exclusively using LPG or other clean fuels to reach the levels below 35 μg/m3 as predicted by the emissions model. Any concurrent use of the traditional stove, polluting lamps and other combustion sources will further increase the pollution in and around the home.
Vented stoves
The emissions model allows for ventilation (with a flue or chimney) by assuming (based on empirical data from several studies and countries) that the fraction of total emissions entering the room lies between 1% and 50% with a mean of 25% and standard deviation of 10%. On average, therefore, it is expected that emissions entering the room from vented stoves are 75% lower than with unvented stoves. The review of intervention impacts (see Review 6) found that solid fuel stoves with chimneys (for which there were 23 and 22 estimates for PM2.5 and CO respectively) did indeed achieve a greater reduction of PM2.5 and CO than unvented stoves. This reduction was 63% for both pollutants, with post-intervention means of 370 μg/m3 and 4.2 ppm (4.8 mg/m3) for PM2.5 and CO respectively.
Although vented stoves achieved larger reductions in emissions as predicted, the improvements were nowhere near as large as might be expected and post-intervention levels remained high. It should be noted, however, that several of the chimney-stove studies reported the largest reductions in emission levels of all stoves and fuels studied in the review (see Review 6). Three such studies reported PM2.5 levels of between 50 and 80 μg/m3 post-intervention, which are more consistent with the larger reductions predicted by the model. These findings do not undermine the model but point towards reasons why this much better performance is not being achieved more widely. As discussed above, other sources in the home and AAP are likely to be responsible. In the case of vented stoves, the fraction not entering the room is simply moved to the outside of the home, contributing directly to the often high levels of outdoor pollution, as reported in Review 5.
A5.2.2. Consistency of estimates of health risks and intervention impacts
In the absence of multiple randomized controlled trials (RCTs), estimates of the impacts of different devices or fuel types on a range of health outcomes, and crucially relating these to levels of exposure, have been derived from compiling three related sources of evidence (in this discussion, pathways refer to those illustrated in the causal chain model ():
Systematic reviews of epidemiological studies, almost all observational, which report on the risk of disease outcomes among those using higher pollution devices or fuels? (e.g. solid fuel stoves, kerosene cookers or lamps) and those using clean fuels or some other proxy for lower exposure (very few having measured exposure). These studies provide evidence for Pathway C, with devices or fuel types typically providing a proxy for the pollution level.
A small number of studies reporting on interventions, including two RCTs and three cohort studies, which provide direct information on the impacts of interventions on health outcomes, and contribute evidence for
Pathway F. One of these RCTs, that reported by Hanna et al. (
2), achieved no exposure reduction due to unsuitability of the intervention and provides lessons more for adoption rather than on health impact.
Exposure-response evidence, derived from two epidemiological studies (one a RCT) (
3), and a set of recently developed integrated exposure-response (IER) functions which have modelled relationships between PM
2.5, exposure and risk of five important health outcomes ( child ALRI, IHD, stroke, COPD and lung cancer) using findings for outdoor air pollution, second-hand smoke, HAP (where available) and active smoking (not in the case of child ALRI). The IERs provide evidence on the relationship between exposure levels and health outcomes,
Pathway E.
This evidence can, in turn, be related to the findings discussed above on actual levels of air pollution and exposure in homes using different types of device and fuel. This provides information about the levels in the homes of people in the low exposure category of epidemiological studies: although these are described as using clean fuels, in practice it is found that levels in their homes are in the range 35–80 μg/m3 PM2.5 and if living in areas where solid fuels are used, outdoor levels may be as high as 100 μg/m3 PM2.5, as reported in Review 5. This clearly has implications for risk estimates, when the WHO annual AQG value (which indicates the level associated with no or minimal excess risk) is 10 μg/m3 PM2.5.
Systematic review of health risks of HAP
A substantial range of health outcomes have been studied, including most of those which have been found to be causally related to tobacco smoking. Risk estimates for those important outcomes, for which GEPHI assessment found the evidence to be mostly of moderate quality (in a few cases low), suggest that reduction of exposure to the estimated 35–80 μg/m3 PM2.5 range would result in risk being reduced by between 20% and 50%, depending on the outcome, and possibly more for some outcomes including severe child ALRI, lung cancer with coal use, and COPD in women.
Studies reporting on health impacts of interventions
A summary of studies reporting on the health impacts of interventions (experimental and observational) is provided in (reproduced from Review 4), and discussion of the most important of these follows.
Summary of studies reporting on health impacts of household fuel combustion interventions.
The single RCT (RESPIRE) with a well-accepted improved stove was carried out in rural Guatemala, and studied the impact of a chimney stove on child ALRI up to 18 months of age. Detailed, repeated measurement of kitchen pollution and child exposure was included; this allowed both intention-to-treat (ITT – improved stove versus open fire) and exposure-response analyses to be conducted. The ITT analysis found that the intervention group had a 90% reduction in kitchen air pollution, and a 50% reduction in child exposure (to an equivalent of around 125 μg/m3 PM2.5) which was associated with a relative risk (RR) of 0.78 (95% CI: 0.59, 1.06) for all physician diagnosed pneumonia and an RR of 0.67 (95% CI: 0.45, 0.98) for severe pneumonia. While these risk reductions (22% and 33% respectively) are less than seen in the observational study pooled estimates (37% for all pneumonia and 60% for severe pneumonia), these findings are consistent if the intervention group mean child exposure level is taken into account as this is considerably higher than the HAP concentrations estimated for the observational studies. The exposure-response evidence adds further detail to this question, as it provides an estimate of how much this difference in risk would be expected to be.
The other important studies with health outcome definitions that can be compared with the epidemiological study systematic reviews and the IER functions are a set of three cohort studies investigating the impact of long-term (10 years or more) use of an improved chimney stove as part of the Chinese national improved stove programme. The studies were all conducted in the coal-using area of Xuanwei, and examined impacts on COPD, lung cancer and adult mortality from ALRI. The findings showed reductions in risk of between 40% and 50% for all three outcomes (other than for COPD for women where the risk reduction was 25%). These studies did not include HAP or exposure measurements (apart from a very small, separate investigation in the same area), so the reductions and intervention-group levels can best be inferred from the results of the intervention impacts review (see Review 6). This found large reductions (63%) but post-intervention levels of more than 300 μg/m3 PM2.5. The one study of a chimney stove evaluation in China included in that review found baseline level of 270 μg/m3 PM4 and a 43.3% reduction in kitchen concentration to 150 μg/m3 with the intervention, but this was not conducted in Xuanwei, and was for biomass rather than coal. Nevertheless, these findings imply that substantial risk reductions were seen in association with 40–60% reductions in kitchen PM2.5 and that levels in the intervention groups were probably at least 150 μg/m3. Interpretation of should be cautious, however, as no personal exposure data are available from these settings.
Integrated exposure-response functions
The IER functions, described in Review 4, provide estimates of how risk varies with exposure for five important health outcomes, child ALRI, IHD, stroke, COPD and lung cancer. The IER curves for IHD and stroke do not include any empirical risk estimates for HAP, as no studies were available at the time the curves were developed (and only one study with adjusted risk estimates is available now). The curve for child ALRI is reproduced here to assist with discussion (); for other outcomes, please refer to Review 4.
The relationship between level of PM2.5, exposure (μg/m3) and relative risk (95% CI) of child ALRI based on the integrated exposure-response (IER) function for exposure over the range 0–600 μg/m3.
Child ALRI: The most notable feature of the curve for ALRI is that it is relatively steep at low exposure levels (even below the IT-1 annual average value of 35 μg/m3 PM2.5), and flattens off at around 200 μg/m3, continuing to rise steadily across the rest of the exposure range and, unlike for other outcomes, is not bounded at the upper end by active smoking risk data. With this curve, it can be seen why the risk reduction in ITT analysis of the RESPIRE study, with intervention group exposure in excess of 100 μg/m3 PM2.5, would be less than that seen in the meta-analysis of epidemiological studies which compared traditional solid fuel use to (estimated) levels in the range 35–80 μg/m3 PM2.5.
Lung cancer: The IER curve for lung cancer is much closer to being linear, rising to very high levels of risk with active smoking. This linearity across the HAP exposure range would explain why the 40–60% reductions in exposure (estimated) for the Chinese NISP stoves in Xuanwei would result in 40–50% reductions in lung cancer risk.
COPD: The IER curve for COPD is less clearly defined as the HAP risk estimates do not fit well with the function derived for the other sources of exposure. The reason for this is unclear, but could be related to lifelong exposure (during pregnancy and from birth) to HAP having a greater effect (dose for dose) on the airways and lungs than, for example, smoking which usually does not start until the late teenage years at least. The curve suggests a function which is more linear than for ALRI, but perhaps not as linear as for lung cancer. If confirmed, this would also be consistent with the 25–50% reductions in risk seen in the Xuanwei cohort study.
This review of the consistency of key evidence contributing to the causal chain model has shown a good degree of consistency for the health risk and intervention impact findings, but more mixed results for the findings on consistency between HAP levels based on predictions from the model and measured levels. Specifically in respect of the latter, it is the findings for the lower emission devices and fuels that differ from what is observed, but the reasons are likely to lie with contributions from other sources, both inside and outside the home. These issues have very important implications for implementation, and these are captured in the general considerations accompanying the recommendations.
While the evidence on health risks and intervention impacts appears to be quite coherent, there are gaps and weaknesses in the evidence, including the lack of intervention trials, the virtual lack of empirical data on HAP exposure and IHD/stroke and the uncertainty concerning the COPD IER, which require attention from the research community.
Three randomized clinical trials are currently under way, all of which are studying the impacts of improved stoves (both standard natural draught rocket-type as well as fan-assisted) on birth outcomes (pre-term birth, birth weight) and ALRI. The trial locations together with the lead investigating institution, principal investigator and trial registration numbers are provided in . Two of these (Ghana, Nepal) also plan to include a clean fuel option in the trial.
Randomized clinical trials testing the impacts of reducing HAP exposure currently in progress.
A5.3. Determination of the strength of Recommendation 2: policy during transition
From the evidence reviewed on impacts of interventions in everyday use, it was concluded that few, if any, are achieving levels of PM2.5 (the key pollutant for which health risk is best evaluated) in the home at or even close to the IT-1 (35 μg/m3), and none are meeting the AQG. This was also found for clean fuels such as gas, but the reasons for this probably lie with the common practice of mixed use of traditional and clean fuels, and with pollution from neighbours and other sources. The health risk evidence, and in particular the IER functions, show that PM2.5 needs to be reduced to low levels, at least at or below the IT-1, if the majority of cases of disease attributable to HAP exposure are to be prevented.
These findings imply that policy on interventions should support the adoption of clean fuels for all purposes (cooking, heating, lighting and other applications) across communities and as rapidly as is feasible, and address other sources of air pollution, if AQGs are to be met. Recognizing, however, the reality that this shift from reliance on traditional solid fuels and stoves to exclusive use of clean devices and fuels will take time, the health risk evidence makes it clear that – during this transitional period – the lowest emission devices suitable for the households and communities concerned should be prioritized.
In the absence of a substantial, robust set of RCTs demonstrating the impact (or otherwise) of alternative interventions on HAP, exposure and important health outcomes, the development of these guidelines has included methods that combine evidence contributing to a causal chain. These methods, termed grading of evidence for public health interventions (GEPHI), include a step of assessing the consistency of the various components of the evidence. The degree of consistency is particularly important to the conclusions informing this recommendation, as it draws on separate sets of evidence for intervention impacts on PM2.5, and on the relationship between PM2.5 and health risk, but with very few studies showing the direct impact of interventions on health outcomes. An assessment of the consistency of this evidence is provided in Section A5.2, and briefly summarized here.
Overall, there is a good level of consistency for the health risk and intervention impact findings, but more mixed results regarding consistency between HAP levels based on predictions from the emissions model and measured levels from homes. Specifically in respect of the latter, it is the findings for the lower emission solid fuel devices and LPG that differ from what is observed, but the reasons for this probably lie with contributions from other combustion sources, both inside and outside the home. As noted above, these issues have important implications for implementation, which are included in the general considerations accompanying the recommendations.
When assessing benefits and harms, the GDG recognized that a rapid transition to low emission technologies and fuels will bring health and other benefits more quickly, with positive impacts for development. Potential harms can arise from poorly designed or inappropriate interventions, introduction of LPG without adequate provision for safety and regulation, and through energy poverty if supply and affordability are not addressed. On balance, the benefits are very substantial, and policies that recognize and address these potential harms can minimize their impact.
When considering values and preferences relating to a rapid transition, the GDG noted these vary, and an approach which takes into account the needs, socioeconomic circumstances, geography and other aspects of households and communities is required. This will help overcome concerns among those responsible for implementation about cultural, affordability, supply and related issues.
When considering feasibility, the GDG noted that there will be additional costs for bringing about this transition, but these have been shown (in analysis by the International Energy Agency) to be small relative to the total investment in the energy sector to 2030. It is expected that new investment will be mobilized through the UN's Sustainable Energy for All initiative, and related efforts to increase access to electricity and clean, efficient and safe household energy for cooking and heating.
On the basis of this assessment, the recommendation is Strong ().
Decision table for the strength of Recommendation 2: Policy during transition.