Dr Ahmadwali Aminee
Micronutrient Initiative
Kabul, Afghanistan
Dr Mohamd Ayoya
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Port Au-Prince, Haiti
Dr Salmeh Bahmanpour
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Shiraz, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Mr Eduard Baladia
Spanish Association of Dieticians and Nutritionists
Barcelona, Spain
Dr Levan Baramidze
Ministry of Labour
Health and Social Affairs
Tbilisi, Georgia
Mr Julio Pedro Basulto Marset
Spanish Association of Dieticians and Nutritionists
Barcelona, Spain
Dr Christine Stabell Benn
Bandim Health Project
Statens Serum Institut
Copenhagen, Denmark
Dr Jacques Berger
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
Montpellier, France
Dr R.J. Berry
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Atlanta, United States of America
Ms E.N. (Nienke) Blok
Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
The Hague, the Netherlands
Ms Lucie Bohac
Iodine Network
Ottawa, Canada
Dr Erick Boy-Gallego
Ottawa, Canada
Dr Mario Bracco
Albert Einstein Social Responsibility Israeli Institute
São Paulo, Brazil
Dr Gerard N. Burrow
International Council of Iodine Deficiency Disorders
Ottawa, Canada
Dr Christine Clewes
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
Geneva, Switzerland
Dr Bruce Cogill
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
Geneva, Switzerland
Mr Hector Cori
Santiago, Chile
Dr Maria Claret Costa Monteiro Hadler
Federal University of Goiás
Goiânia, Brazil
Ms Nita Dalmiya
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
New York, United States of America
Professor Ian Darnton-Hill
University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
Professor Kathryn Dewey
University of California
Davis, United States of America
Professor Michael Dibley
Sydney School of Public Health
University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
Dr Marjoleine Dijkhuizen
University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark
Ms Tatyana El-Kour
World Health Organization
Amman, Jordan
Dr Suzanne Filteau
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
London, England
Dr Rodolfo F. Florentino
Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines
Manila, Philippines
Dr Ann Fowler
DSM Nutritional Products
Rheinfelden, Switzerland
Mr Joby George
Save the Children
Lilongwe, Malawi
Dr Abdollah Ghavami
School of Human Sciences
London Metropolitan University
London, England
Dr Rosalind Gibson
Department of Human Nutrition
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand
Mr Nils Grede
World Food Programme
Rome, Italy
Ms Fofoa R. Gulugulu
Public Health Unit
Ministry of Health
Funafuti, Tuvalu
Dr Andrew Hall
University of Westminster
London, England
Mr Richard L. Hanneman
Salt Institute
Alexandria, United States of America
Ms Kimberly Harding
Micronutrient Initiative
Ottawa, Canada
Dr Suzanne S. Harris
International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI)
Washington, DC, United States of America
Dr Phil Harvey
Philip Harvey Consulting
Rockville, United States of America
Dr Izzeldin S. Hussein
International Council for Control of Iodine
Deficiency Disorders
Al Khuwair, Oman
Dr Susan Jack
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand
Mr Quentin Johnson
Food Fortification
Quican Inc.
Rockwood, Canada
Mr Vinod Kapoor
Independent Consultant on Fortification
Panchkula, India
Dr Klaus Kraemer
Sight and Life
Basel, Switzerland
Dr Roland Kupka
UNICEF Regional Office for West and Central Africa
Dakar, Senegal
Ms Ada Lauren
Vitamin Angels Alliance
Santa Barbara, United States of America
Dr Daniel Lopez de Romaña
Instituto de Nutrition y Tecnologia de Alimentos (INTA)
Universidad de Chile
Santiago, Chile
Mrs Maria Manera
Spanish Association of Dieticians and Nutritionists
Girona, Spain
Dr Homero Martinez
RAND Corporation
Santa Monica, United States of America
Dr Zouhir Massen
Faculty of Medicine
University of Tlemcen
Tlemcen, Algeria
Dr Abdelmonim Medani
Sudan Atomic Energy
Khartoum, Sudan
Dr María Teresa Murguía Peniche
National Center for Child and Adolescent Health
Mexico City, Mexico
Dr Sirimavo Nair
University of Baroda
Vadodara, India
Dr Ruth Oniango
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND)
Nairobi, Kenya
Dr Saskia Osendarp
Science Leader Child Nutrition
Unilever R&D
Vlaardingen, the Netherlands
Dr Jee Hyun Rah
DSM-WFP Partnership
DSM – Sight and Life
Basel, Switzerland
Mr Sherali Rahmatulloev
Ministry of Health
Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Ms Anna Roesler
Menzies School of Health Research/Compass Women's and Children's Knowledge
Hub for Health
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Professor Irwin Rosenberg
Tufts University
Boston, United States of America
Professor Amal Mamoud Saeid Taha
Faculty of Medicine
University of Khartoum
Khartoum, Sudan
Dr Isabella Sagoe-Moses
Ghana Health Service
Accra, Ghana
Dr Dia Sanou
Department of Applied Human Nutrition
Mount Saint Vincent University
Halifax, Canada
Dr Rameshwar Sarma
St James School of Medicine
Bonaire, the Netherlands Antilles
Dr Andrew Seal
University College London
Centre for International Health and Development
London, England
Dr Magdy Shehata
World Food Programme
Cairo, Egypt
Mr Georg Steiger
DSM Nutritional Products
DSM Life Science Products International
Basel, Switzerland
Professor Barbara Stoecker
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma City, United States of America
Dr Ismael Teta
Micronutrient Initiative
Ottawa, Canada
Dr Ulla Uusitalo
University of South Florida
Tampa, United States of America
Dr Hans Verhagen
Centre for Nutrition and Health
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
Bilthoven, the Netherlands
Dr Hans Verhoef
Wageningen University
Wageningen, the Netherlands
Dr Sheila Vir Chander
Public Health Nutrition Development Centre
New Delhi, India
Dr Annie Wesley
Micronutrient Initiative
Ottawa, Canada
Dr Frank Wieringa
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
Montpellier, France
Ms Caroline Wilkinson
United Nations High Commission for Refugees
Geneva, Switzerland
Dr Pascale Yunis
American University of Beirut Medical Center
Beirut, Lebanon
Dr Lingxia Zeng
Xi'an JiaoTong University College of Medicine
Xi'an, China