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Cover of WHO Guidelines on Preventing Early Pregnancy and Poor Reproductive Health Outcomes Among Adolescents in Developing Countries

WHO Guidelines on Preventing Early Pregnancy and Poor Reproductive Health Outcomes Among Adolescents in Developing Countries

Geneva: World Health Organization; .
ISBN-13: 978-92-4-150221-4

Adolescent pregnancy contributes to maternal, perinatal and infant mortality, and to a vicious cycle of poverty and ill-health. Reducing adolescent pregnancy is vital for achieving the Millennium Development Goals that relate to childhood and maternal mortality, and to the overall goal of poverty reduction. National reproductive health policies of a growing number of countries have identified tackling adolescent pregnancy as a priority. However, the approaches adopted are – in many cases – not as comprehensive as they should be and often not based on sound evidence.

WHO guidelines on preventing early pregnancy and poor reproductive outcomes among adolescents in developing countries provides a robust evidence base to help develop or reshape national policies and strategies. The guidelines help to ensure that available resources are spent on optimal approaches to prevent early pregnancies among adolescents, and on reducing morbidity and mortality associated with pregnancy and childbirth.


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Bookshelf ID: NBK304954PMID: 26180870


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