NC_000012.11:g.(?_6438478)_(7362819_?)dup AND Temtamy syndrome
- Germline classification:
- Uncertain significance (1 submission)
- Last evaluated:
- Jun 9, 2020
- Review status:
- Somatic classification
of clinical impact: - None
- Review status:
- Somatic classification
of oncogenicity: - None
- Review status:
- Record status:
- current
- Accession:
- RCV001365174.1
Allele description
- Name:
- Temtamy syndrome (TEMTYS)
- Synonyms:
- Dysmorphism, corpus callosum agenesis and colobomas; Craniofacial dysmorphism with ocular coloboma absent corpus callosum and aortic dilatation; MENTAL RETARDATION WITH OR WITHOUT CRANIOFACIAL DYSMORPHISM, OCULAR COLOBOMA, OR ABNORMAL CORPUS CALLOSUM
- Identifiers:
- MONDO: MONDO:0009033; MedGen: C1857512; Orphanet: 1777; OMIM: 218340
Assertion and evidence details
Last Updated: Mar 26, 2023