NM_000397.4(CYBB):c.1103C>T (p.Ala368Val) AND multiple conditions
- Germline classification:
- Uncertain significance (1 submission)
- Review status:
- Somatic classification
of clinical impact: - None
- Review status:
- Somatic classification
of oncogenicity: - None
- Review status:
- Record status:
- current
- Accession:
- RCV000785880.2
Allele description [Variation Report for NM_000397.4(CYBB):c.1103C>T (p.Ala368Val)]
NM_000397.4(CYBB):c.1103C>T (p.Ala368Val)
- Name:
- Primary ciliary dyskinesia
- Synonyms:
- Ciliary dyskinesia
- Identifiers:
- MONDO: MONDO:0016575; MedGen: C0008780; OMIM: PS244400; Human Phenotype Ontology: HP:0012265
- Name:
- Recurrent bronchitis
- Identifiers:
- MedGen: C0741796; Human Phenotype Ontology: HP:0002837
- Name:
- Dynein arm defect of respiratory motile cilia
- Identifiers:
- MedGen: C4022990; Human Phenotype Ontology: HP:0012255
Assertion and evidence details
Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025