Package: ncbi.datasets.openapi.api
Client library definitions of HTTP endpoints.
This code is auto-generated by the openapi-generator based on the definition in the NCBI Datasets OpenAPI specification .
Example use:
from typing import List
from ncbi.datasets.openapi import ApiClient as DatasetsApiClient
from ncbi.datasets.openapi import ApiException as DatasetsApiException
from ncbi.datasets import GeneApi as DatasetsGeneApi
# Provide your own gene ids as a list of integers
input_gene_ids: List[int] = [1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]
def example_usage_of_api(gene_ids: List[int]):
if len(gene_ids) == 0:
print("Please provide at least one gene-id")
with DatasetsApiClient() as api_client:
gene_api = DatasetsGeneApi(api_client)
# Get just metadata
gene_reply = gene_api.gene_metadata_by_id(gene_ids)
for gene in gene_reply.genes:
except DatasetsApiException as e:
print(f"Exception when calling GeneApi: {e}\n")
# Or, download a data package with FASTA files
print("Begin download of data package ...")
gene_ds_download = gene_api.download_gene_package(
gene_ids, include_annotation_type=["FASTA_GENE"], _preload_content=False
gene_reply = gene_api.gene_metadata_by_id(gene_ids)
zipfile_name = ""
with open(zipfile_name, "wb") as f:
print(f"Download completed -- see {zipfile_name}")
except DatasetsApiException as e:
print(f"Exception when calling GeneApi: {e}\n")
Client library definitions of HTTP endpoints.
NCBI Datasets API
Python API: ncbi.datasets.openapi.apis
NCBI Datasets API
NCBI Datasets API
NCBI Datasets API
OpenAPI generated models
OpenAPI generated models
NCBI Datasets API