Module: ncbi.datasets.openapi.model.v1_download_summary
NCBI Datasets API
Module: ncbi.datasets.openapi.model.v1_download_summary
### NCBI Datasets is a resource that lets you easily gather data from NCBI. The Datasets version 1 API is considred stable and will not be subject to breaking changes. However, certain endpoints will be [deprecated](, and then sunset as newer versions are published. For some larger downloads, you may want to download a [dehydrated zip archive](, and retrieve the individual data files at a later time. # noqa: E501
The version of the OpenAPI document: v1 Generated by:
- ncbi.datasets.openapi.model.v1_download_summary.lazy_import()
- class ncbi.datasets.openapi.model.v1_download_summary.V1DownloadSummary(*args, **kwargs)
NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator. Ref:
Do not edit the class manually.
- allowed_values
The key is the tuple path to the attribute and the for var_name this is (var_name,). The value is a dict with a capitalized key describing the allowed value and an allowed value. These dicts store the allowed enum values.
- Type
- attribute_map
The key is attribute name and the value is json key in definition.
- Type
- discriminator_value_class_map
A dict to go from the discriminator variable value to the discriminator class name.
- Type
- validations
The key is the tuple path to the attribute and the for var_name this is (var_name,). The value is a dict that stores validations for max_length, min_length, max_items, min_items, exclusive_maximum, inclusive_maximum, exclusive_minimum, inclusive_minimum, and regex.
- Type
- additional_properties_type
A tuple of classes accepted as additional properties values.
- Type
- allowed_values = {}
- validations = {}
- additional_properties_type = (<class 'bool'>, <class ''>, <class 'datetime.datetime'>, <class 'dict'>, <class 'float'>, <class 'int'>, <class 'list'>, <class 'str'>, <class 'NoneType'>)
- openapi_types = {'assembly_count': (<class 'int'>,), 'available_files': (<class 'ncbi.datasets.openapi.model.v1_download_summary_available_files.V1DownloadSummaryAvailableFiles'>,), 'dehydrated': (<class 'ncbi.datasets.openapi.model.v1_download_summary_dehydrated.V1DownloadSummaryDehydrated'>,), 'errors': ([<class 'ncbi.datasets.openapi.model.v1_error.V1Error'>],), 'hydrated': (<class 'ncbi.datasets.openapi.model.v1_download_summary_hydrated.V1DownloadSummaryHydrated'>,), 'messages': ([<class 'ncbi.datasets.openapi.model.v1_message.V1Message'>],), 'record_count': (<class 'int'>,), 'resource_updated_on': (<class 'datetime.datetime'>,)}
- discriminator = None
- attribute_map = {'assembly_count': 'assembly_count', 'available_files': 'available_files', 'dehydrated': 'dehydrated', 'errors': 'errors', 'hydrated': 'hydrated', 'messages': 'messages', 'record_count': 'record_count', 'resource_updated_on': 'resource_updated_on'}
- read_only_vars = {}
- required_properties = {'_check_type', '_configuration', '_data_store', '_path_to_item', '_spec_property_naming', '_visited_composed_classes'}