Gene report
Gene record identifiers, genomic locations, transcripts, and products
Data packages downloaded through the website, command line interface (CLI), or the APIs include JSON Lines -formatted report files that contain metadata about the requested records. Refer to the data package descriptions for the list of reports available in each package.
Each line in a data report consists of a well-defined hierarchical JSON structure that describes its associated data record. The lines within a file all have the same format and the schemas below define the structure and fields for each type of data report.
Gene record identifiers, genomic locations, transcripts, and products
Genome record accession, organism, assembly statistics, and annotation info
Genome assembly sequence accessions, chromosome, and length
MicroBIGG-E record accession, organism, location, and biosample information
Prokaryote gene record identifiers, protein info, and taxonomic scope
Prokaryote gene location record identifiers, organism, and genomic locations
Virus record identifiers, sample information, genomic locations, and products