estd176 (Banerjee et al. 2011)
- Organism:
- Human
- Study Type:
- Control Set
- Submitter:
- Samprit Banerjee
- Description:
- We propose a three step computational framework (Identification of germline Changes in Copy Number or IgC2N) to discover and genotype germline CNVs. First, we detect candidate CNV loci by combining information across multiple samples without imposing restrictions to the number of coverage markers or to the variant size. Secondly, we fine tune the detection of rare variants and infer the putative copy number classes for each locus. Last, for each variant we combine the relative distance between consecutive copy number classes with genetic information in a novel attempt to estimate the reference model bias. This computational approach is applied to genome-wide data from 1250 HapMap individuals. See Variant Summary counts for estd176 in dbVar Variant Summary.
- Publication(s):
- Banerjee et al. 2011