- Organism: Homo sapiens
- Study:nstd102 (Clinical Structural Variants)
- Variant Type:copy number variation
- Method Type:Multiple
- Submitted on:GRCh37
- Variant Calls:1
- Validation:Not tested
- Clinical Assertions: Yes
- Region Size:99
- Description:NC_000002.11:g.(?_189839216)_(189839314_?)del AND Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type 4
- Publication(s):ACMG Board of Directors et al. 2014, Boodhwani et al. 2014, Byers et al. 1999, Erbel et al. 2014, Green et al. 2013, Kalia et al. 2016, Meschia et al. 2014, Miller et al. 2021, Miller et al. 2022, Zentner et al. 2017
- ClinVar: RCV003119287.2
- ClinVar: VCV002422337.4
- GeneReviews: NBK1494
- MONDO: 0017314
- MedGen: C0268338
- OMIM: 130050
- Orphanet: 286
- PubMed: 20301667
- PubMed: 23788249
- PubMed: 24882528
- PubMed: 25173340
- PubMed: 25355838
- PubMed: 25356965
- PubMed: 27854360
- PubMed: 28161018
- PubMed: 34012068
- PubMed: 35802134
- Overlapping Genes
Source: NCBI
- Genome View
- Variant Region Details and Evidence
- Validation Information
- Clinical Assertions
- Genotype Information
Genome View
Select assembly:Overlapping variant regions from other studies: 97 SVs from 20 studies. See in: genome view
Overlapping variant regions from other studies: 97 SVs from 20 studies. See in: genome view
Variant Region Placement Information
Variant Region ID | Placement Type | Score | Assembly | Assembly Unit | Reciprocity | Sequence ID | Chr | Inner Start | Inner Stop |
nsv7096389 | Remapped | Perfect | GRCh38.p12 | Primary Assembly | First Pass | NC_000002.12 | Chr2 | 188,974,490 | 188,974,588 |
nsv7096389 | Submitted genomic | GRCh37 (hg19) | Primary Assembly | NC_000002.11 | Chr2 | 189,839,216 | 189,839,314 |
Variant Call Information
Variant Call ID | Type | Method | Analysis | Subject Phenotype | Clinical Interpretation | Source of Interpretation | ClinVar ID |
nssv18786621 | deletion | Multiple | Multiple | EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, VASCULAR TYPE; EDSVASC; Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type 4; Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome; Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome | Pathogenic | ClinVar | RCV003119287.2, VCV002422337.4 |
Variant Call Placement Information
Variant Call ID | Placement Type | Score | HGVS | Assembly | Reciprocity | Sequence ID | Chr | Inner Start | Inner Stop |
nssv18786621 | Remapped | Perfect | NC_000002.12:g.(?_ 188974490)_(188974 588_?)del | GRCh38.p12 | First Pass | NC_000002.12 | Chr2 | 188,974,490 | 188,974,588 |
nssv18786621 | Submitted genomic | NC_000002.11:g.(?_ 189839216)_(189839 314_?)del | GRCh37 (hg19) | NC_000002.11 | Chr2 | 189,839,216 | 189,839,314 |
No validation data were submitted for this variant
Clinical Assertions
Variant Call ID | HGVS | Type | Allele Origin | Subject Phenotype | Clinical Interpretation | Source of Interpretation | ClinVar ID |
nssv18786621 | GRCh37: NC_000002.11:g.(?_189839216)_(189839314_?)del | deletion | germline | EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME, VASCULAR TYPE; EDSVASC; Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, type 4; Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome; Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome | Pathogenic | ClinVar | RCV003119287.2, VCV002422337.4 |