(Submitter supplied) We used cDNA microarray technology to compare the genome-wide expression profiles of a wild type strain (BY4700) (E02, E04, E06) or the isogenic strain deleted of GLN3 and GAT1 genes (E01, E03, E05) grown in YNB medium with glutamine as nitrogen source (M.Gln) against the wild type strain grown in M.Gln after addition of rapamacyn (20 min) (E01, E02), or M.proline (M.Pro) (E03, E04) or after a two hours shift from M.Gln to M.Pro (E05, E06), all growth conditions known to modify the expression of genes involved in nitrogen utilization.
more...- Organism:
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Type:
- Expression profiling by array
- Platforms:
- GPL2602 GPL2600 GPL2603
- 20 Samples
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